Compute all mixed Nash equilibria of a 2-player (non-degenerate) normal form game by support enumeration.
B. von Stengel, “Equilibrium Computation for Two-Player Games in Strategic and Extensive Form,” Chapter 3, N. Nisan, T. Roughgarden, E. Tardos, and V. Vazirani eds., Algorithmic Game Theory, 2007.
- quantecon.game_theory.support_enumeration.support_enumeration(g)[source]
Compute mixed-action Nash equilibria with equal support size for a 2-player normal form game by support enumeration. For a non-degenerate game input, these are all the Nash equilibria.
The algorithm checks all the equal-size support pairs; if the players have the same number n of actions, there are 2n choose n minus 1 such pairs. This should thus be used only for small games.
- Parameters:
- gNormalFormGame
NormalFormGame instance with 2 players.
- Returns:
- list(tuple(ndarray(float, ndim=1)))
List containing tuples of Nash equilibrium mixed actions.