Generate random NormalFormGame instances.
- quantecon.game_theory.random.covariance_game(nums_actions, rho, random_state=None)[source]
Return a random NormalFormGame instance where the payoff profiles are drawn independently from the standard multi-normal with the covariance of any pair of payoffs equal to rho, as studied in [1].
- Parameters:
- nums_actionstuple(int)
Tuple of the numbers of actions, one for each player.
- rhoscalar(float)
Covariance of a pair of payoff values. Must be in [-1/(N-1), 1], where N is the number of players.
- random_stateint or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional
Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState or Generator instance to set the initial state of the random number generator for reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState is used.
- Returns:
- gNormalFormGame
[1]Y. Rinott and M. Scarsini, “On the Number of Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria in Random Games,” Games and Economic Behavior (2000), 274-293.
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng(12345) >>> g = covariance_game((3, 2), rho=-0.7, random_state=rng) >>> print(g) 2-player NormalFormGame with payoff profile array: [[[ 1.80214175, -0.8232619 ], [ 0.7023331 , -0.90308782]], [[-0.2174803 , -0.35640649], [ 1.51235766, -1.00972746]], [[-1.08921974, -0.42346148], [-1.78910753, 2.53930201]]]
- quantecon.game_theory.random.random_game(nums_actions, random_state=None)[source]
Return a random NormalFormGame instance where the payoffs are drawn independently from the uniform distribution on [0, 1).
- Parameters:
- nums_actionstuple(int)
Tuple of the numbers of actions, one for each player.
- random_stateint or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional
Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState or Generator instance to set the initial state of the random number generator for reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState is used.
- Returns:
- gNormalFormGame
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng(12345) >>> g = random_game((3, 2), random_state=rng) >>> print(g) 2-player NormalFormGame with payoff profile array: [[[0.22733602, 0.59830875], [0.31675834, 0.94180287]], [[0.79736546, 0.18673419], [0.67625467, 0.24824571]], [[0.39110955, 0.67275604], [0.33281393, 0.94888115]]]
- quantecon.game_theory.random.random_mixed_actions(nums_actions, random_state=None)[source]
Return a tuple of random mixed actions (vectors of floats).
- Parameters:
- nums_actionstuple(int)
Tuple of the numbers of actions, one for each player.
- random_stateint or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional
Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState or Generator instance to set the initial state of the random number generator for reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState is used.
- Returns:
- action_profiletuple(ndarray(float, ndim=1))
Tuple of mixed_actions, one for each player.
- quantecon.game_theory.random.random_polymatrix_game(nums_actions, random_state=None)[source]
Return a random PolymatrixGame instance where the payoffs are drawn independently from the uniform distribution on [0, 1).
- Parameters:
- nums_actionstuple(int)
Tuple of the numbers of actions, one for each player.
- random_stateint or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional
Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState or Generator instance to set the initial state of the random number generator for reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState is used.
- Returns:
- PolymatrixGame
- quantecon.game_theory.random.random_pure_actions(nums_actions, random_state=None)[source]
Return a tuple of random pure actions (integers).
- Parameters:
- nums_actionstuple(int)
Tuple of the numbers of actions, one for each player.
- random_stateint or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional
Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState or Generator instance to set the initial state of the random number generator for reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState is used.
- Returns:
- action_profileTuple(int)
Tuple of actions, one for each player.