- class quantecon.game_theory.logitdyn.LogitDynamics(data, beta=1.0)[source]
Class representing the logit-response dynamics model.
- Parameters:
- dataNormalFormGame or array_like
The game played in the logit-response dynamics model.
- betascalar(float)
The level of noise in player’s decision.
- Attributes:
- Nscalar(int)
The number of players in the game.
- playerslist(Player)
The list consisting of all players with the given payoff matrix.
- nums_actionstuple(int)
Tuple of the number of actions, one for each player.
- betascalar(float)
See parameters.
- player.logit_choice_cdfsarray_like(float)
The choice probability of each actions given opponents’ actions.
Return the tuple of choice probabilities.
([init_actions, player_ind_seq, ...])Return a new action profile which is updated num_reps times.
(ts_length[, init_actions, ...])Return the array representing time series of action profiles.
- play(init_actions=None, player_ind_seq=None, num_reps=1, random_state=None)[source]
Return a new action profile which is updated num_reps times.
- Parameters:
- init_actionstuple(int), optional(default=None)
The action profile in the initial period. If None, selected randomly.
- player_ind_seqlist(int), optional(default=None)
The sequence of player indices. If None, selected randomly.
- num_repsscalar(int), optional(default=1)
The number of iterations.
- random_stateint or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional
Random number generator used.
- Returns:
- tuple(int)
The action profile after iterations.
- time_series(ts_length, init_actions=None, random_state=None)[source]
Return the array representing time series of action profiles.
- Parameters:
- ts_lengthscalar(int)
The number of iterations.
- init_actionstuple(int), optional(default=None)
The action profile in the initial period. If None, selected randomly.
- random_stateint or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional
Random number generator used.
- Returns:
- ndarray(int)
The array representing the time series of action profiles.