
Compute a Nash Equilibrium of a Polymatrix Game.


Find a Nash Equilibrium of a Matching Pennies Game. (This NE is unique so this works reliably.)

>>> matrices = {
...     (0, 1): [[1., -1.], [-1., 1.]],
...     (1, 0): [[-1., 1.], [1., -1.]]
... }
>>> polymg = PolymatrixGame(matrices)
>>> result = polym_lcp_solver(polymg, full_output=True)
>>> print(result[0])
(array([0.5, 0.5]), array([0.5, 0.5]))
>>> print(result[1])
        NE: (array([0.5, 0.5]), array([0.5, 0.5]))
 converged: True
      init: {0: 0, 1: 0}
  max_iter: -1
  num_iter: 4
quantecon.game_theory.howson_lcp.polym_lcp_solver(polymg: PolymatrixGame, starting_player_actions: Sequence[int] | None = None, max_iter: int = -1, full_output: bool = False) tuple[numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+_ScalarType_co]]] | ~quantecon.game_theory.utilities.NashResult[source]

Finds a Nash Equilbrium of a Polymatrix Game.

Uses Howson’s algorithm which utilises linear complementarity [1].


Polymatrix game to solve.

starting_player_actionsSequence[int], optional

Pure actions for each player at which the algorithm begins. Defaults to each player playing their first action.

max_iterint, optional

Maximum number of iterations of the complementary pivoting before giving up. Howson proves that with enough iterations, it will reach a Nash Equilibrium. Defaults to never giving up.

full_outputbool, optional

When True, adds information about the run to the output actions and puts them in a NashResult. Defaults to False.

tuple(ndarray(float, ndim=1)) or NashResult

The mixed actions at termination, a Nash Equilibrium if not stopped early by reaching max_iter. If full_output, then the number of iterations, whether it has converged, and the initial conditions of the algorithm are included in the returned NashResult alongside the actions.



Howson, Joseph T. “Equilibria of Polymatrix Games.” Management Science 18, no. 5 (1972): 312–18.