- class quantecon.ivp.IVP(f, jac=None)[source]
Creates an instance of the IVP class.
- Parameters:
- fcallable
f(t, y, *f_args)
Right hand side of the system of equations defining the ODE. The independent variable,
, is ascalar
is anndarray
of dependent variables withy.shape == (n,)
. The function f should return ascalar
(but not atuple
).- jaccallable
jac(t, y, *jac_args)
, optional(default=None) Jacobian of the right hand side of the system of equations defining the ODE.
- fcallable
- Attributes:
- y
(traj, ti[, k, ext])The residual is the difference between the derivative of the B-spline approximation of the solution trajectory and the right-hand side of the original ODE evaluated along the approximated solution trajectory.
()Extracts the return code for the integration to enable better control if the integration fails.
(t[, step, relax])Find y=y(t), set y as an initial condition, and return y.
(traj, ti[, k, der, ext])Parametric B-spline interpolation in N-dimensions.
(*args)Set extra parameters for user-supplied function f.
(y[, t])Set initial conditions y(t) = y.
(name, **integrator_params)Set integrator by name.
(*args)Set extra parameters for user-supplied function jac.
(solout)Set callable to be called at every successful integration step.
(t0, y0[, h, T, g, tol, integrator, ...])Solve the IVP by integrating the ODE given some initial condition.
()Check if integration was successful.
- compute_residual(traj, ti, k=3, ext=2)[source]
The residual is the difference between the derivative of the B-spline approximation of the solution trajectory and the right-hand side of the original ODE evaluated along the approximated solution trajectory.
- Parameters:
- trajarray_like (float)
Solution trajectory providing the data points for constructing the B-spline representation.
- tiarray_like (float)
Array of values for the independent variable at which to interpolate the value of the B-spline.
- kint, optional(default=3)
Degree of the desired B-spline. Degree must satisfy \(1 \le k \le 5\).
- extint, optional(default=2)
Controls the value of returned elements for outside the original knot sequence provided by traj. For extrapolation, set ext=0; ext=1 returns zero; ext=2 raises a ValueError.
- Returns:
- residualarray (float)
Difference between the derivative of the B-spline approximation of the solution trajectory and the right-hand side of the ODE evaluated along the approximated solution trajectory.
- interpolate(traj, ti, k=3, der=0, ext=2)[source]
Parametric B-spline interpolation in N-dimensions.
- Parameters:
- trajarray_like (float)
Solution trajectory providing the data points for constructing the B-spline representation.
- tiarray_like (float)
Array of values for the independent variable at which to interpolate the value of the B-spline.
- kint, optional(default=3)
Degree of the desired B-spline. Degree must satisfy \(1 \le k \le 5\).
- derint, optional(default=0)
The order of derivative of the spline to compute (must be less than or equal to k).
- extint, optional(default=2) Controls the value of returned elements
for outside the original knot sequence provided by traj. For extrapolation, set ext=0; ext=1 returns zero; ext=2 raises a ValueError.
- Returns:
- interp_traj: ndarray (float)
The interpolated trajectory.
- solve(t0, y0, h=1.0, T=None, g=None, tol=None, integrator='dopri5', step=False, relax=False, **kwargs)[source]
Solve the IVP by integrating the ODE given some initial condition.
- Parameters:
- t0float
Initial condition for the independent variable.
- y0array_like (float, shape=(n,))
Initial condition for the dependent variables.
- hfloat, optional(default=1.0)
Step-size for computing the solution. Can be positive or negative depending on the desired direction of integration.
- Tint, optional(default=None)
Terminal value for the independent variable. One of either T or g must be specified.
- gcallable
g(t, y, f_args)
, optional(default=None) Provides a stopping condition for the integration. If specified user must also specify a stopping tolerance, tol.
- tolfloat, optional (default=None)
Stopping tolerance for the integration. Only required if g is also specifed.
- integratorstr, optional(default=’dopri5’)
Must be one of ‘vode’, ‘lsoda’, ‘dopri5’, or ‘dop853’
- stepbool, optional(default=False)
Allows access to internal steps for those solvers that use adaptive step size routines. Currently only ‘vode’, ‘zvode’, and ‘lsoda’ support step=True.
- relaxbool, optional(default=False)
Currently only ‘vode’, ‘zvode’, and ‘lsoda’ support relax=True.
- **kwargsdict, optional(default=None)
Dictionary of integrator specific keyword arguments. See the Notes section of the docstring for scipy.integrate.ode for a complete description of solver specific keyword arguments.
- Returns:
- solution: ndarray (float)
Simulated solution trajectory.