Source code for quantecon.game_theory.fictplay

import numpy as np
from .normal_form_game import NormalFormGame
from ..util import check_random_state
from .random import _random_mixed_actions
from .utilities import _copy_action_profile_to

[docs]class FictitiousPlay: """ Class representing a fictitious play model. Parameters ---------- data : NormalFormGame, or array_like The game played in a fictitious play model. `data` must be either `NormalFormGame` or an array. See `NormalFormGame`. gain : scalar(float), optional(default=None) The gain of fictitous play model. If gain is None, the model becomes a decreasing gain model. If gain is a scalar, the model becomes a constant gain model. Attributes ---------- g : NomalFormGame The game played in the model. N : scalar(int) The number of players in the model. players : tuple(Player) Tuple of the Player instances in the model. nums_actions : tuple(int) Tuple of the number of actions, one for each player. """ def __init__(self, data, gain=None): if isinstance(data, NormalFormGame): self.g = data else: self.g = NormalFormGame(data) self.N = self.g.N self.players = self.g.players self.nums_actions = self.g.nums_actions self.tie_breaking = 'smallest' if gain is None: self.step_size = lambda t: 1 / (t+2) # decreasing gain else: self.step_size = lambda t: gain # constant gain def _play(self, actions, t, brs, tie_breaking, tol, random_state): for i, player in enumerate(self.players): opponents_actions = tuple(actions[i+1:]) + tuple(actions[:i]) brs[i] = player.best_response( opponents_actions if self.N > 2 else opponents_actions[0], tie_breaking=tie_breaking, tol=tol, random_state=random_state ) for i in range(self.N): actions[i][:] *= 1 - self.step_size(t) actions[i][brs[i]] += self.step_size(t) return actions
[docs] def play(self, actions=None, num_reps=1, t_init=0, out=None, **options): """ Return a new action profile which is updated by playing the game `num_reps` times. Parameters ---------- actions : tuple(array_like(float)), optional(default=None) The action profile in the initial period. If None, selected randomly. num_reps : scalar(int), optional(default=1) The number of iterations. t_init : scalar(int), optional(default=0) The period when the game starts. out : tuple(array_like(float)), optional(default=None) Alternative output tuple of arrays in which to place the result. Must be of the same shape as the expected output. **options : Keyword arguments passed to the best response method and other methods. Returns ------- tuple(ndarray(float, ndim=1)) The mixed action profile after iteration. """ tie_breaking = options.get('tie_breaking', self.tie_breaking) tol = options.get('tol', None) random_state = check_random_state(options.get('random_state', None)) if out is None: out = tuple(np.empty(n) for n in self.nums_actions) if actions is None: _random_mixed_actions(out, random_state) else: _copy_action_profile_to(out, actions) brs = np.empty(self.N, dtype=int) for t in range(t_init, t_init+num_reps): out = self._play(out, t, brs, tie_breaking, tol, random_state) return out
[docs] def time_series(self, ts_length, init_actions=None, t_init=0, **options): """ Return a tuple of arrays representing a time series of mixed action profiles. Parameters ---------- ts_length : scalar(int) The number of iterations. init_actions : tuple(int), optional(default=None) The action profile in the initial period. If None, selected randomly. t_init : scalar(int), optional(default=0) The period when the game starts. **options : Keyword arguments passed to the best response method and other methods. Returns ------- tuple(ndarray(float, ndim=2)) Tuple of arrays representing time series of mixed action profile. """ tie_breaking = options.get('tie_breaking', self.tie_breaking) tol = options.get('tol', None) random_state = check_random_state(options.get('random_state', None)) out = tuple(np.empty((ts_length, n)) for n in self.nums_actions) out_init = tuple(out[i][0, :] for i in range(self.N)) if init_actions is None: _random_mixed_actions(out_init, random_state) else: _copy_action_profile_to(out_init, init_actions) actions = tuple(np.copy(action) for action in out_init) brs = np.empty(self.N, dtype=int) for j in range(1, ts_length): self._play(actions, t_init+j-1, brs, tie_breaking, tol, random_state) for i in range(self.N): np.copyto(out[i][j, :], actions[i]) return out
[docs]class StochasticFictitiousPlay(FictitiousPlay): """ Class representing a stochastic fictitious play model. Parameters ---------- data : NormalFormGame or array_like The game played in the stochastic fictitious play model. distribution : scipy.stats object The distribution of payoff shocks, which is a `scipy.stats` object. gain : scalar(scalar), optional(default=None) The gain of fictitious play model. If gain is None, the model becomes a decreasing gain model. If gain is a scalar, the model becomes a constant gain model. Attributes ---------- See attributes of `FictitousPlay`. """ def __init__(self, data, distribution, gain=None): FictitiousPlay.__init__(self, data, gain) self.payoff_perturbation_dist = \ lambda size, random_state: distribution.rvs( size=size, random_state=random_state) def _play(self, actions, t, brs, tie_breaking, tol, random_state): for i, player in enumerate(self.players): opponents_actions = tuple(actions[i+1:]) + tuple(actions[:i]) payoff_perturbation = \ self.payoff_perturbation_dist(size=self.nums_actions[i], random_state=random_state) brs[i] = player.best_response( opponents_actions if self.N > 2 else opponents_actions[0], tie_breaking=tie_breaking, payoff_perturbation=payoff_perturbation, tol=tol, random_state=random_state ) for i in range(self.N): actions[i][:] *= 1 - self.step_size(t) actions[i][brs[i]] += self.step_size(t) return actions