Support functions to Support QuantEcon.notebooks
The purpose of these utilities is to implement simple support functions to allow for automatic downloading of any support files (python modules, or data) that may be required to run demonstration notebooks.
Files on the REMOTE Github Server can be organised into folders but they will end up at the root level of when downloaded as a support File
“” –> ./
Write Style guide for QuantEcon.notebook contributions
Write an interface for Dat Server
Platform Agnostic (replace wget usage)
- quantecon.util.notebooks.fetch_nb_dependencies(files, repo='', raw='raw', branch='master', folder='dependencies', overwrite=False, verbose=True)[source]
Retrieve raw files from QuantEcon.notebooks or other Github repo
- Parameters:
- file_list list or dict
A list of files to specify a collection of filenames A dict of dir : list(files) to specify a directory
- repo str, optional(default=REPO)
- raw str, optional(default=RAW)
This is here in case github changes access to their raw files through web links
- branch str, optional(default=BRANCH)
- folder str, optional(default=FOLDER)
- overwrite bool, optional(default=False)
- verbose bool, optional(default=True)
Consider a notebook that is dependant on a
file to execute. If this file is located in a Github repository then it can be fetched using this utilityAssuming the file is at the root level in the
branch then:>>> from quantecon.util import fetch_nb_dependencies >>> status = fetch_nb_dependencies(["test.csv"], repo="https://<github_address>")
More than one file may be requested in the list provided
>>> status = fetch_nb_dependencies(["test.csv", "data.csv"], repo="https://<github_address>")
A folder location can be added using
>>> status = fetch_nb_dependencies("test.csv", report="https://<github_address>", folder="data")
You can also specify a specific branch using
keyword argument.This will download the requested file(s) to your local working directory. The default behaviour is not to overwrite a local file if it is present. This can be switched off by setting