Contain a Numba-jitted linear complementarity problem (LCP) solver based on Lemke’s algorithm.
- class quantecon.optimize.lcp_lemke.LCPResult(z, success, status, num_iter)
namedtuple containing the result from lcp_lemke.
(value, /)Return number of occurrences of value.
(value[, start, stop])Return first index of value.
- num_iter
- status
- success
- z
- quantecon.optimize.lcp_lemke.lcp_lemke(M, q, d=None, max_iter=1000000, piv_options=PivOptions(fea_tol=1e-06, tol_piv=1e-07, tol_ratio_diff=1e-13), tableau=None, basis=None, z=None)[source]
Solve the linear complementarity problem:
z >= 0 M @ z + q >= 0 z @ (M @ z + q) = 0
by Lemke’s algorithm (with the lexicographic pivoting rule).
- Parameters:
- Mndarray(float, ndim=2)
ndarray of shape (n, n).
- qndarray(float, ndim=1)
ndarray of shape (n,).
- dndarray(float, ndim=1), optional
Covering vector, ndarray of shape (n,). Must be strictly positive. If None, default to vector of ones.
- max_iterint, optional(default=10**6)
Maximum number of iteration to perform.
- piv_optionsPivOptions, optional
PivOptions namedtuple to set the following tolerance values:
- fea_tolfloat
Feasibility tolerance (default=1e-06). (Not used in this function.)
- tol_pivfloat
Pivot tolerance (default=1e-07).
- tol_ratio_difffloat
Tolerance used in the the lexicographic pivoting (default=1e-13).
- tableaundarray(float, ndim=2), optional
Temporary ndarray of shape (n, 2*n+2) to store the tableau. Modified in place.
- basisndarray(int, ndim=1), optional
Temporary ndarray of shape (n,) to store the basic variables. Modified in place.
- zndarray(float, ndim=1), optional
Output ndarray of shape (n,) to store the solution.
- Returns:
- resLCPResult
namedtuple consisting of the fields:
- zndarray(float, ndim=1)
ndarray of shape (n,) containing the solution.
- successbool
True if the algorithm succeeded in finding a solution.
- statusint
An integer representing the exit status of the result:
0 : Solution found successfully 1 : Iteration limit reached 2 : Secondary ray termination
- num_iterint
The number of iterations performed.
K. G. Murty, Linear Complementarity, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, 1988.
>>> M = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [2, 1, 0], [2, 2, 1]]) >>> q = np.array([-8, -12, -14]) >>> res = lcp_lemke(M, q) >>> res.success True >>> res.z array([8., 0., 0.]) >>> w = M @ res.z + q >>> w array([0., 4., 2.]) >>> res.z @ w 0.0