Source code for quantecon.optimize.nelder_mead

Implements the Nelder-Mead algorithm for maximizing a function with one or more


import numpy as np
from numba import njit
from collections import namedtuple

results = namedtuple('results', 'x fun success nit final_simplex')

[docs]@njit def nelder_mead(fun, x0, bounds=np.array([[], []]).T, args=(), tol_f=1e-10, tol_x=1e-10, max_iter=1000): """ .. highlight:: none Maximize a scalar-valued function with one or more variables using the Nelder-Mead method. This function is JIT-compiled in `nopython` mode using Numba. Parameters ---------- fun : callable The objective function to be maximized: `fun(x, *args) -> float` where x is an 1-D array with shape (n,) and args is a tuple of the fixed parameters needed to completely specify the function. This function must be JIT-compiled in `nopython` mode using Numba. x0 : ndarray(float, ndim=1) Initial guess. Array of real elements of size (n,), where ‘n’ is the number of independent variables. bounds: ndarray(float, ndim=2), optional Bounds for each variable for proposed solution, encoded as a sequence of (min, max) pairs for each element in x. The default option is used to specify no bounds on x. args : tuple, optional Extra arguments passed to the objective function. tol_f : scalar(float), optional(default=1e-10) Tolerance to be used for the function value convergence test. tol_x : scalar(float), optional(default=1e-10) Tolerance to be used for the function domain convergence test. max_iter : scalar(float), optional(default=1000) The maximum number of allowed iterations. Returns ------- results : namedtuple A namedtuple containing the following items: :: "x" : Approximate local maximizer "fun" : Approximate local maximum value "success" : 1 if the algorithm successfully terminated, 0 otherwise "nit" : Number of iterations "final_simplex" : Vertices of the final simplex Examples -------- >>> @njit ... def rosenbrock(x): ... return -(100 * (x[1] - x[0] ** 2) ** 2 + (1 - x[0])**2) ... >>> x0 = np.array([-2, 1]) >>> qe.optimize.nelder_mead(rosenbrock, x0) results(x=array([0.99999814, 0.99999756]), fun=-1.6936258239463265e-10, success=True, nit=110, final_simplex=array([[0.99998652, 0.9999727], [1.00000218, 1.00000301], [0.99999814, 0.99999756]])) Notes ----- This algorithm has a long history of successful use in applications, but it will usually be slower than an algorithm that uses first or second derivative information. In practice, it can have poor performance in high-dimensional problems and is not robust to minimizing complicated functions. Additionally, there currently is no complete theory describing when the algorithm will successfully converge to the minimum, or how fast it will if it does. References ---------- .. [1] J. C. Lagarias, J. A. Reeds, M. H. Wright and P. E. Wright, Convergence Properties of the Nelder–Mead Simplex Method in Low Dimensions, SIAM. J. Optim. 9, 112–147 (1998). .. [2] S. Singer and S. Singer, Efficient implementation of the Nelder–Mead search algorithm, Appl. Numer. Anal. Comput. Math., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 524–534, 2004. .. [3] J. A. Nelder and R. Mead, A simplex method for function minimization, Comput. J. 7, 308–313 (1965). .. [4] Gao, F. and Han, L., Implementing the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm with adaptive parameters, Comput Optim Appl (2012) 51: 259. .. [5] .. [6] .. [7] Chase Coleman's tutorial on Nelder Mead .. [8] SciPy's Nelder-Mead implementation """ vertices = _initialize_simplex(x0, bounds) results = _nelder_mead_algorithm(fun, vertices, bounds, args=args, tol_f=tol_f, tol_x=tol_x, max_iter=max_iter) return results
@njit def _nelder_mead_algorithm(fun, vertices, bounds=np.array([[], []]).T, args=(), ρ=1., χ=2., γ=0.5, σ=0.5, tol_f=1e-8, tol_x=1e-8, max_iter=1000): """ .. highlight:: none Implements the Nelder-Mead algorithm described in Lagarias et al. (1998) modified to maximize instead of minimizing. JIT-compiled in `nopython` mode using Numba. Parameters ---------- fun : callable The objective function to be maximized. `fun(x, *args) -> float` where x is an 1-D array with shape (n,) and args is a tuple of the fixed parameters needed to completely specify the function. This function must be JIT-compiled in `nopython` mode using Numba. vertices : ndarray(float, ndim=2) Initial simplex with shape (n+1, n) to be modified in-place. args : tuple, optional Extra arguments passed to the objective function. ρ : scalar(float), optional(default=1.) Reflection parameter. Must be strictly greater than 0. χ : scalar(float), optional(default=2.) Expansion parameter. Must be strictly greater than max(1, ρ). γ : scalar(float), optional(default=0.5) Contraction parameter. Must be stricly between 0 and 1. σ : scalar(float), optional(default=0.5) Shrinkage parameter. Must be strictly between 0 and 1. tol_f : scalar(float), optional(default=1e-10) Tolerance to be used for the function value convergence test. tol_x : scalar(float), optional(default=1e-10) Tolerance to be used for the function domain convergence test. max_iter : scalar(float), optional(default=1000) The maximum number of allowed iterations. Returns ------- results : namedtuple A namedtuple containing the following items: :: "x" : Approximate solution "fun" : Approximate local maximum "success" : 1 if successfully terminated, 0 otherwise "nit" : Number of iterations "final_simplex" : The vertices of the final simplex """ n = vertices.shape[1] _check_params(ρ, χ, γ, σ, bounds, n) nit = 0 ργ = ρ * γ ρχ = ρ * χ σ_n = σ ** n f_val = np.empty(n+1, dtype=np.float64) for i in range(n+1): f_val[i] = _neg_bounded_fun(fun, bounds, vertices[i], args=args) # Step 1: Sort sort_ind = f_val.argsort() LV_ratio = 1 # Compute centroid x_bar = vertices[sort_ind[:n]].sum(axis=0) / n while True: shrink = False # Check termination fail = nit >= max_iter best_val_idx = sort_ind[0] worst_val_idx = sort_ind[n] term_f = f_val[worst_val_idx] - f_val[best_val_idx] < tol_f # Linearized volume ratio test (see [2]) term_x = LV_ratio < tol_x if term_x or term_f or fail: break # Step 2: Reflection # temp = ρ * (x_bar - vertices[worst_val_idx]) x_r = x_bar + temp f_r = _neg_bounded_fun(fun, bounds, x_r, args=args) if f_r >= f_val[best_val_idx] and f_r < f_val[sort_ind[n-1]]: # Accept reflection vertices[worst_val_idx] = x_r LV_ratio *= ρ # Step 3: Expansion elif f_r < f_val[best_val_idx]: # temp = χ * (x_r - x_bar) x_e = x_bar + temp f_e = _neg_bounded_fun(fun, bounds, x_e, args=args) if f_e < f_r: # Greedy minimization vertices[worst_val_idx] = x_e LV_ratio *= ρχ else: vertices[worst_val_idx] = x_r LV_ratio *= ρ # Step 4 & 5: Contraction and Shrink else: # Step 4: Contraction # temp = γ * (x_r - x_bar) if f_r < f_val[worst_val_idx]: # Step 4.a: Outside Contraction x_c = x_bar + temp LV_ratio_update = ργ else: # Step 4.b: Inside Contraction x_c = x_bar - temp LV_ratio_update = γ f_c = _neg_bounded_fun(fun, bounds, x_c, args=args) if f_c < min(f_r, f_val[worst_val_idx]): # Accept contraction vertices[worst_val_idx] = x_c LV_ratio *= LV_ratio_update # Step 5: Shrink else: shrink = True for i in sort_ind[1:]: vertices[i] = vertices[best_val_idx] + σ * \ (vertices[i] - vertices[best_val_idx]) f_val[i] = _neg_bounded_fun(fun, bounds, vertices[i], args=args) sort_ind[1:] = f_val[sort_ind[1:]].argsort() + 1 x_bar = vertices[best_val_idx] + σ * \ (x_bar - vertices[best_val_idx]) + \ (vertices[worst_val_idx] - vertices[sort_ind[n]]) / n LV_ratio *= σ_n if not shrink: # Nonshrink ordering rule f_val[worst_val_idx] = _neg_bounded_fun(fun, bounds, vertices[worst_val_idx], args=args) for i, j in enumerate(sort_ind): if f_val[worst_val_idx] < f_val[j]: sort_ind[i+1:] = sort_ind[i:-1] sort_ind[i] = worst_val_idx break x_bar += (vertices[worst_val_idx] - vertices[sort_ind[n]]) / n nit += 1 return results(vertices[sort_ind[0]], -f_val[sort_ind[0]], not fail, nit, vertices) @njit def _initialize_simplex(x0, bounds): """ Generates an initial simplex for the Nelder-Mead method. JIT-compiled in `nopython` mode using Numba. Parameters ---------- x0 : ndarray(float, ndim=1) Initial guess. Array of real elements of size (n,), where ‘n’ is the number of independent variables. bounds: ndarray(float, ndim=2) Sequence of (min, max) pairs for each element in x0. Returns ------- vertices : ndarray(float, ndim=2) Initial simplex with shape (n+1, n). """ n = x0.size vertices = np.empty((n + 1, n), dtype=np.float64) # Broadcast x0 on row dimension vertices[:] = x0 nonzdelt = 0.05 zdelt = 0.00025 for i in range(n): # Generate candidate coordinate if vertices[i + 1, i] != 0.: vertices[i + 1, i] *= (1 + nonzdelt) else: vertices[i + 1, i] = zdelt return vertices @njit def _check_params(ρ, χ, γ, σ, bounds, n): """ Checks whether the parameters for the Nelder-Mead algorithm are valid. JIT-compiled in `nopython` mode using Numba. Parameters ---------- ρ : scalar(float) Reflection parameter. Must be strictly greater than 0. χ : scalar(float) Expansion parameter. Must be strictly greater than max(1, ρ). γ : scalar(float) Contraction parameter. Must be stricly between 0 and 1. σ : scalar(float) Shrinkage parameter. Must be strictly between 0 and 1. bounds: ndarray(float, ndim=2) Sequence of (min, max) pairs for each element in x. n : scalar(int) Number of independent variables. """ if ρ < 0: raise ValueError("ρ must be strictly greater than 0.") if χ < 1: raise ValueError("χ must be strictly greater than 1.") if χ < ρ: raise ValueError("χ must be strictly greater than ρ.") if γ < 0 or γ > 1: raise ValueError("γ must be strictly between 0 and 1.") if σ < 0 or σ > 1: raise ValueError("σ must be strictly between 0 and 1.") if not (bounds.shape == (0, 2) or bounds.shape == (n, 2)): raise ValueError("The shape of `bounds` is not valid.") if (np.atleast_2d(bounds)[:, 0] > np.atleast_2d(bounds)[:, 1]).any(): raise ValueError("Lower bounds must be greater than upper bounds.") @njit def _check_bounds(x, bounds): """ Checks whether `x` is within `bounds`. JIT-compiled in `nopython` mode using Numba. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray(float, ndim=1) 1-D array with shape (n,) of independent variables. bounds: ndarray(float, ndim=2) Sequence of (min, max) pairs for each element in x. Returns ------- bool `True` if `x` is within `bounds`, `False` otherwise. """ if bounds.shape == (0, 2): return True else: return ((np.atleast_2d(bounds)[:, 0] <= x).all() and (x <= np.atleast_2d(bounds)[:, 1]).all()) @njit def _neg_bounded_fun(fun, bounds, x, args=()): """ Wrapper for bounding and taking the negative of `fun` for the Nelder-Mead algorithm. JIT-compiled in `nopython` mode using Numba. Parameters ---------- fun : callable The objective function to be minimized. `fun(x, *args) -> float` where x is an 1-D array with shape (n,) and args is a tuple of the fixed parameters needed to completely specify the function. This function must be JIT-compiled in `nopython` mode using Numba. bounds: ndarray(float, ndim=2) Sequence of (min, max) pairs for each element in x. x : ndarray(float, ndim=1) 1-D array with shape (n,) of independent variables at which `fun` is to be evaluated. args : tuple, optional Extra arguments passed to the objective function. Returns ------- scalar `-fun(x, *args)` if x is within `bounds`, `np.inf` otherwise. """ if _check_bounds(x, bounds): return -fun(x, *args) else: return np.inf