Source code for quantecon.markov.approximation

Collection of functions to approximate a continuous random process by a
discrete Markov chain.


from math import erfc, sqrt
from .core import MarkovChain
from .estimate import fit_discrete_mc
from .._lss import simulate_linear_model
from .._matrix_eqn import solve_discrete_lyapunov
from ..util import check_random_state

import warnings
import numpy as np
import numbers
from numba import njit

[docs]def rouwenhorst(n, rho, sigma, mu=0.): r""" Takes as inputs n, mu, sigma, rho. It will then construct a markov chain that estimates an AR(1) process of: :math:`y_t = \mu + \rho y_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t` where :math:`\varepsilon_t` is i.i.d. normal of mean 0, std dev of sigma The Rouwenhorst approximation uses the following recursive defintion for approximating a distribution: .. math:: \theta_2 = \begin{bmatrix} p & 1 - p \\ 1 - q & q \\ \end{bmatrix} .. math:: \theta_{n+1} = p \begin{bmatrix} \theta_n & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} + (1 - p) \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \theta_n \\ 0 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} + q \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ \theta_n & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} + (1 - q) \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \theta_n \\ \end{bmatrix} where :math:`{p = q = \frac{(1 + \rho)}{2}}` Parameters ---------- n : int The number of points to approximate the distribution rho : float Persistence parameter in AR(1) process, if you are approximating an AR(1) process then this is the autocorrelation across periods. sigma : float The value of the standard deviation of the :math:`\varepsilon` process mu : float, optional(default=0.0) The value :math:`\mu` in the process. Note that the mean of this AR(1) process, :math:`y`, is simply :math:`\mu/(1 - \rho)` Returns ------- mc : MarkovChain An instance of the MarkovChain class that stores the transition matrix and state values returned by the discretization method Notes ----- UserWarning: The API of `rouwenhorst` was changed from `rouwenhorst(n, ybar, sigma, rho)` to `rouwenhorst(n, rho, sigma, mu=0.)` in version 0.6.0. """ warnings.warn("The API of rouwenhorst has changed from `rouwenhorst(n, ybar, sigma, rho)`" " to `rouwenhorst(n, rho, sigma, mu=0.)`. To find more details please visit:" "", UserWarning, stacklevel=2) # Get the standard deviation of y y_sd = sqrt(sigma**2 / (1 - rho**2)) # Given the moments of our process we can find the right values # for p, q, psi because there are analytical solutions as shown in # Gianluca Violante's notes on computational methods p = (1 + rho) / 2 q = p psi = y_sd * np.sqrt(n - 1) # Find the states ubar = psi lbar = -ubar bar = np.linspace(lbar, ubar, n) def row_build_mat(n, p, q): """ This method uses the values of p and q to build the transition matrix for the rouwenhorst method """ if n == 2: theta = np.array([[p, 1 - p], [1 - q, q]]) elif n > 2: p1 = np.zeros((n, n)) p2 = np.zeros((n, n)) p3 = np.zeros((n, n)) p4 = np.zeros((n, n)) new_mat = row_build_mat(n - 1, p, q) p1[:n - 1, :n - 1] = p * new_mat p2[:n - 1, 1:] = (1 - p) * new_mat p3[1:, :-1] = (1 - q) * new_mat p4[1:, 1:] = q * new_mat theta = p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 theta[1:n - 1, :] = theta[1:n - 1, :] / 2 else: raise ValueError("The number of states must be positive " + "and greater than or equal to 2") return theta theta = row_build_mat(n, p, q) bar += mu / (1 - rho) return MarkovChain(theta, bar)
[docs]def tauchen(n, rho, sigma, mu=0., n_std=3): r""" Computes a Markov chain associated with a discretized version of the linear Gaussian AR(1) process .. math:: y_t = \mu + \rho y_{t-1} + \epsilon_t using Tauchen's method. Here :math:`{\epsilon_t}` is an i.i.d. Gaussian process with zero mean. Parameters ---------- n : scalar(int) The number of states to use in the approximation rho : scalar(float) The autocorrelation coefficient, Persistence parameter in AR(1) process sigma : scalar(float) The standard deviation of the random process mu : scalar(float), optional(default=0.0) The value :math:`\mu` in the process. Note that the mean of this AR(1) process, :math:`y`, is simply :math:`\mu/(1 - \rho)` n_std : scalar(int), optional(default=3) The number of standard deviations to approximate out to Returns ------- mc : MarkovChain An instance of the MarkovChain class that stores the transition matrix and state values returned by the discretization method Notes ----- UserWarning: The API of `tauchen` was changed from `tauchen(rho, sigma_u, b=0., m=3, n=7)` to `tauchen(n, rho, sigma, mu=0., n_std=3)` in version 0.6.0. """ if not isinstance(n, numbers.Integral): warnings.warn( "The API of tauchen has changed from `tauchen(rho, sigma_u, b=0., m=3, n=7)`" " to `tauchen(n, rho, sigma, mu=0., n_std=3)`. To find more details please visit:" "", UserWarning, stacklevel=2) # standard deviation of demeaned y_t std_y = np.sqrt(sigma**2 / (1 - rho**2)) # top of discrete state space for demeaned y_t x_max = n_std * std_y # bottom of discrete state space for demeaned y_t x_min = -x_max # discretized state space for demeaned y_t x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, n) step = (x_max - x_min) / (n - 1) half_step = 0.5 * step P = np.empty((n, n)) # approximate Markov transition matrix for # demeaned y_t _fill_tauchen(x, P, n, rho, sigma, half_step) # shifts the state values by the long run mean of y_t mu = mu / (1 - rho) mc = MarkovChain(P, state_values=x+mu) return mc
[docs]@njit def std_norm_cdf(x): return 0.5 * erfc(-x / sqrt(2))
@njit def _fill_tauchen(x, P, n, rho, sigma, half_step): for i in range(n): P[i, 0] = std_norm_cdf((x[0] - rho * x[i] + half_step) / sigma) P[i, n - 1] = 1 - \ std_norm_cdf((x[n - 1] - rho * x[i] - half_step) / sigma) for j in range(1, n - 1): z = x[j] - rho * x[i] P[i, j] = (std_norm_cdf((z + half_step) / sigma) - std_norm_cdf((z - half_step) / sigma))
[docs]def discrete_var(A, C, grid_sizes=None, std_devs=np.sqrt(10), sim_length=1_000_000, rv=None, order='C', random_state=None): r""" Generate an `MarkovChain` instance that discretizes a multivariate autorregressive process by a simulation of the process. This function discretizes a VAR(1) process of the form: .. math:: x_t = A x_{t-1} + C u_t where :math:`{u_t}` is drawn iid from a distribution with mean 0 and unit standard deviaiton; and :math:`{C}` is a volatility matrix. Internally, from this process a sample time series of length `sim_length` is produced, and with a cartesian grid as specified by `grid_sizes` and `std_devs` a Markov chain is estimated that fits the time series, where the states that are never visited under the simulation are removed. For a mathematical derivation check *Finite-State Approximation Of VAR Processes: A Simulation Approach* by Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé and Martín Uribe, July 11, 2010. In particular, we follow Schmitt-Grohé and Uribe's method in contructing the grid for approximation. Parameters ---------- A : array_like(float, ndim=2) An m x m matrix containing the process' autocorrelation parameters. Its eigenvalues are assumed to have moduli bounded by unity. C : array_like(float, ndim=2) An m x r volatility matrix grid_sizes : array_like(int, ndim=1), optional(default=None) An m-vector containing the number of grid points in the discretization of each dimension of x_t. If None, then set to (10, ..., 10). std_devs : float, optional(default=np.sqrt(10)) The number of standard deviations the grid should stretch in each dimension, where standard deviations are measured under the stationary distribution. sim_length : int, optional(default=1_000_000) The length of the simulated time series. rv : optional(default=None) Object that represents the disturbance term u_t. If None, then standard normal distribution from numpy.random is used. Alternatively, one can pass a "frozen" object of a multivariate distribution from `scipy.stats`. It must have a zero mean and unit standard deviation (of dimension r). order : str, optional(default='C') ('C' or 'F') order in which the states in the cartesian grid are enumerated. random_state : int or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState or Generator instance to set the initial state of the random number generator for reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState is used. Returns ------- mc : MarkovChain An instance of the MarkovChain class that stores the transition matrix and state values returned by the discretization method, in the following attributes: `P` : ndarray(float, ndim=2) A 2-dim array containing the transition probability matrix over the discretized states. `state_values` : ndarray(float, ndim=2) A 2-dim array containing the state vectors (of dimension m) as rows, which are ordered according to the `order` option. Examples -------- This example discretizes the stochastic process used to calibrate the economic model included in "Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity, Currency Pegs, and Involuntary Unemployment" by Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé and Martín Uribe, Journal of Political Economy 124, October 2016, 1466-1514. >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(12345) >>> A = [[0.7901, -1.3570], ... [-0.0104, 0.8638]] >>> Omega = [[0.0012346, -0.0000776], ... [-0.0000776, 0.0000401]] >>> C = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(Omega) >>> grid_sizes = [21, 11] >>> mc = discrete_var(A, C, grid_sizes, random_state=rng) >>> mc.P.shape (145, 145) >>> mc.state_values.shape (145, 2) >>> mc.state_values[:10] # First 10 states array([[-0.38556417, 0.02155098], [-0.38556417, 0.03232648], [-0.38556417, 0.04310197], [-0.38556417, 0.05387746], [-0.34700776, 0.01077549], [-0.34700776, 0.02155098], [-0.34700776, 0.03232648], [-0.34700776, 0.04310197], [-0.34700776, 0.05387746], [-0.30845134, 0. ]]) >>> mc.simulate(10, random_state=rng) array([[ 0.11566925, -0.01077549], [ 0.11566925, -0.01077549], [ 0.15422567, 0. ], [ 0.15422567, 0. ], [ 0.15422567, -0.01077549], [ 0.11566925, -0.02155098], [ 0.11566925, -0.03232648], [ 0.15422567, -0.03232648], [ 0.15422567, -0.03232648], [ 0.19278209, -0.03232648]]) The simulation below uses the same parameters with :math:`{u_t}` drawn from a multivariate t-distribution >>> df = 100 >>> Sigma = np.diag(np.tile((df-2)/df, 2)) >>> mc = discrete_var(A, C, grid_sizes, ... rv=scipy.stats.multivariate_t(shape=Sigma, df=df), ... random_state=rng) >>> mc.P.shape (146, 146) >>> mc.state_values.shape (146, 2) >>> mc.state_values[:10] array([[-0.38556417, 0.02155098], [-0.38556417, 0.03232648], [-0.38556417, 0.04310197], [-0.38556417, 0.05387746], [-0.34700776, 0.01077549], [-0.34700776, 0.02155098], [-0.34700776, 0.03232648], [-0.34700776, 0.04310197], [-0.34700776, 0.05387746], [-0.30845134, 0. ]]) >>> mc.simulate(10, random_state=rng) array([[-0.03855642, -0.02155098], [ 0.03855642, -0.03232648], [ 0.07711283, -0.03232648], [ 0.15422567, -0.03232648], [ 0.15422567, -0.04310197], [ 0.15422567, -0.03232648], [ 0.15422567, -0.03232648], [ 0.2313385 , -0.04310197], [ 0.2313385 , -0.03232648], [ 0.26989492, -0.03232648]]) """ A = np.asarray(A) C = np.asarray(C) m, r = C.shape # Run simulation to compute transition probabilities random_state = check_random_state(random_state) if rv is None: u = random_state.standard_normal(size=(sim_length-1, r)) else: u = rv.rvs(size=sim_length-1, random_state=random_state) v = C @ u.T x0 = np.zeros(m) X = simulate_linear_model(A, x0, v, ts_length=sim_length) # Compute stationary variance-covariance matrix of AR process and use # it to obtain grid bounds. Sigma = solve_discrete_lyapunov(A, C @ C.T) sigma_vector = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(Sigma)) # Stationary std dev upper_bounds = std_devs * sigma_vector # Build the individual grids along each dimension if grid_sizes is None: # Set the size of every grid to default_grid_size default_grid_size = 10 grid_sizes = np.full(m, default_grid_size) V = [np.linspace(-upper_bounds[i], upper_bounds[i], grid_sizes[i]) for i in range(m)] # Fit the Markov chain mc = fit_discrete_mc(X.T, V, order=order) return mc