Source code for quantecon.game_theory.brd

import numpy as np
from .normal_form_game import Player
from ..util import check_random_state, rng_integers
from .random import random_pure_actions

[docs]class BRD: """ Class representing the best response dynamics model. Parameters ---------- payoff_matrix : array_like(float, ndim=2) The payoff matrix of the symmetric two-player game. N : scalar(int) The number of players. Attributes ---------- N : scalar(int) The number of players. num_actions : scalar(int) The number of actions. player : Player Player instance in the model. """ def __init__(self, payoff_matrix, N): A = np.asarray(payoff_matrix) if A.ndim != 2 or A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]: raise ValueError('payoff matrix must be square') self.num_actions = A.shape[0] # Number of actions self.N = N # Number of players self.player = Player(A) # "Representative player" self.tie_breaking = 'smallest' def _set_action_dist(self, actions): if self.N != len(actions): raise ValueError("length of `actions` must equal to the number of \ players") action_dist = np.zeros(self.num_actions) for i in range(self.N): action_dist[actions[i]] += 1 return action_dist
[docs] def play(self, action, action_dist, **options): """ Return a new action distribution. Parameters ---------- action : scalar(int) Pure action of player who takes action. action_dist : ndarray(int) The initial action distribution of players. **options : Keyword arguments passed to the best response method. Returns ------- ndarray(int) New action distribution. """ tie_breaking = options.get('tie_breaking', self.tie_breaking) tol = options.get('tol', None) random_state = check_random_state(options.get('random_state', None)) action_dist[action] -= 1 next_action = self.player.best_response(action_dist, tol=tol, tie_breaking=tie_breaking, random_state=random_state) action_dist[next_action] += 1 return action_dist
[docs] def time_series(self, ts_length, init_action_dist=None, **options): """ Return a time series of action distributions. The order of player who takes a action is randomly choosed. Parameters ---------- ts_length : scalar(int) The length of time series. init_action_dist : array_like(int), optional(default=None) The initial action distribution. If None, determined randomly. **options : Keyword arguments passed to the best response method and other methods. Returns ------- ndarray(int) The array representing time series of action distributions. """ tie_breaking = options.get('tie_breaking', self.tie_breaking) tol = options.get('tol', None) random_state = check_random_state(options.get('random_state', None)) if init_action_dist is None: nums_actions = tuple([self.num_actions] * self.N) init_actions = random_pure_actions(nums_actions, random_state) init_action_dist = self._set_action_dist(init_actions) out = np.empty((ts_length, self.num_actions), dtype=int) random_state = check_random_state(random_state) player_ind_seq = rng_integers(random_state, self.N, size=ts_length) action_dist = np.asarray(init_action_dist) for t in range(ts_length): out[t, :] = action_dist[:] action = np.searchsorted(action_dist.cumsum(), player_ind_seq[t], side='right') random_state = check_random_state(random_state) action_dist =, action_dist, tol=tol, tie_breaking=tie_breaking, random_state=random_state) return out
[docs]class KMR(BRD): """ Class representing the Kandori-Mailath-Rob model. Parameters ---------- payoff_matrix : array_like(float, ndim=2) The payoff matrix of the symmetric two-player game. N : scalar(int) The number of players. epsilon : scalar(float), default=0.1 The probability of strategy flips. Attributes ---------- N : scalar(int) See parameters. num_actions : scalar(int) The number of actions. player : Player Player instance in the model. epsilon : scalar(float) See parameters. """ def __init__(self, payoff_matrix, N, epsilon=0.1): BRD.__init__(self, payoff_matrix, N) # Mutation probability self.epsilon = epsilon
[docs] def play(self, action, action_dist, **options): """ See `play` in `BRD`. """ tie_breaking = options.get('tie_breaking', self.tie_breaking) tol = options.get('tol', None) random_state = check_random_state(options.get('random_state', None)) if random_state.random() < self.epsilon: # Mutation action_dist[action] -= 1 random_state = check_random_state(random_state) next_action = self.player.random_choice(random_state=random_state) action_dist[next_action] += 1 else: # Best response random_state = check_random_state(random_state) action_dist =, action, action_dist, tol=tol, tie_breaking=tie_breaking, random_state=random_state) return action_dist
[docs]class SamplingBRD(BRD): """ Class representing the sampling BRD model. Parameters ---------- payoff_matrix : array_like(float, ndim=2) The payoff matrix of the symmetric two-player game. N : scalar(int) The number of players. k : scalar(int), default=2 Sample size. Attributes ---------- N : scalar(int) See parameters. num_actions : scalar(int) The number of actions. player : Player Player instance in the model. k : scalar(int), default=2 See parameters. """ def __init__(self, payoff_matrix, N, k=2): BRD.__init__(self, payoff_matrix, N) # Sample size self.k = k
[docs] def play(self, action, action_dist, **options): """ See `play` in `BRD`. """ tie_breaking = options.get('tie_breaking', self.tie_breaking) tol = options.get('tol', None) random_state = check_random_state(options.get('random_state', None)) action_dist[action] -= 1 actions = random_state.choice(self.num_actions, size=self.k, replace=True, p=action_dist/(self.N-1)) sample_action_dist = np.bincount(actions, minlength=self.num_actions) random_state = check_random_state(random_state) next_action = self.player.best_response(sample_action_dist, tol=tol, tie_breaking=tie_breaking, random_state=random_state) action_dist[next_action] += 1 return action_dist