This file holds several functions that are used to solve matrix
equations. Currently has functionality to solve:
* Lyapunov Equations
* Riccati Equations
TODO: 1. See issue 47 on github repository, should add support for
Sylvester equations
2. Fix warnings from checking conditioning of matrices
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import solve
from scipy.linalg import solve_discrete_lyapunov as sp_solve_discrete_lyapunov
from scipy.linalg import solve_discrete_are as sp_solve_discrete_are
EPS = np.finfo(float).eps
[docs]def solve_discrete_lyapunov(A, B, max_it=50, method="doubling"):
Computes the solution to the discrete lyapunov equation
.. math::
AXA' - X + B = 0
:math:`X` is computed by using a doubling algorithm. In particular, we
iterate to convergence on :math:`X_j` with the following recursions for
:math:`j = 1, 2, \dots` starting from :math:`X_0 = B`, :math:`a_0 = A`:
.. math::
a_j = a_{j-1} a_{j-1}
.. math::
X_j = X_{j-1} + a_{j-1} X_{j-1} a_{j-1}'
A : array_like(float, ndim=2)
An n x n matrix as described above. We assume in order for
convergence that the eigenvalues of A have moduli bounded by
B : array_like(float, ndim=2)
An n x n matrix as described above. We assume in order for
convergence that the eigenvalues of A have moduli bounded by
max_it : scalar(int), optional(default=50)
The maximum number of iterations
method : string, optional(default="doubling")
Describes the solution method to use. If it is "doubling" then
uses the doubling algorithm to solve, if it is "bartels-stewart"
then it uses scipy's implementation of the Bartels-Stewart
gamma1: array_like(float, ndim=2)
Represents the value :math:`X`
if method == "doubling":
A, B = list(map(np.atleast_2d, [A, B]))
alpha0 = A
gamma0 = B
diff = 5
n_its = 1
while diff > 1e-15:
alpha1 = alpha0.dot(alpha0)
gamma1 = gamma0 + np.dot(alpha0.dot(gamma0), alpha0.conjugate().T)
diff = np.max(np.abs(gamma1 - gamma0))
alpha0 = alpha1
gamma0 = gamma1
n_its += 1
if n_its > max_it:
msg = "Exceeded maximum iterations {}, check input matrics"
raise ValueError(msg.format(n_its))
elif method == "bartels-stewart":
gamma1 = sp_solve_discrete_lyapunov(A, B)
msg = "Check your method input. Should be doubling or bartels-stewart"
raise ValueError(msg)
return gamma1
[docs]def solve_discrete_riccati(A, B, Q, R, N=None, tolerance=1e-10, max_iter=500,
Solves the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation
.. math::
X = A'XA - (N + B'XA)'(B'XB + R)^{-1}(N + B'XA) + Q
Computation is via a modified structured doubling algorithm, an
explanation of which can be found in the reference below, if
`method="doubling"` (default), and via a QZ decomposition method by
calling `scipy.linalg.solve_discrete_are` if `method="qz"`.
A : array_like(float, ndim=2)
k x k array.
B : array_like(float, ndim=2)
k x n array
Q : array_like(float, ndim=2)
k x k, should be symmetric and non-negative definite
R : array_like(float, ndim=2)
n x n, should be symmetric and positive definite
N : array_like(float, ndim=2)
n x k array
tolerance : scalar(float), optional(default=1e-10)
The tolerance level for convergence
max_iter : scalar(int), optional(default=500)
The maximum number of iterations allowed
method : string, optional(default="doubling")
Describes the solution method to use. If it is "doubling" then
uses the doubling algorithm to solve, if it is "qz" then it uses
`scipy.linalg.solve_discrete_are` (in which case `tolerance` and
`max_iter` are irrelevant).
X : array_like(float, ndim=2)
The fixed point of the Riccati equation; a k x k array
representing the approximate solution
Chiang, Chun-Yueh, Hung-Yuan Fan, and Wen-Wei Lin. "STRUCTURED DOUBLING
CONTROL WEIGHTING MATRICES." Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 14, no. 3A
(2010): pp-935.
methods = ['doubling', 'qz']
if method not in methods:
msg = "Check your method input. Should be {} or {}".format(*methods)
raise ValueError(msg)
# == Set up == #
error = tolerance + 1
fail_msg = "Convergence failed after {} iterations."
# == Make sure that all array_likes are np arrays, two-dimensional == #
A, B, Q, R = np.atleast_2d(A, B, Q, R)
n, k = R.shape[0], Q.shape[0]
I = np.identity(k)
if N is None:
N = np.zeros((n, k))
N = np.atleast_2d(N)
if method == 'qz':
X = sp_solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R, s=N.T)
return X
# if method == 'doubling'
# == Choose optimal value of gamma in R_hat = R + gamma B'B == #
current_min = np.inf
candidates = (0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 10.0, 100.0, 10e5)
BB = np.dot(B.T, B)
BTA = np.dot(B.T, A)
for gamma in candidates:
Z = R + gamma * BB
cn = np.linalg.cond(Z)
if cn * EPS < 1:
Q_tilde = - Q + np.dot(N.T, solve(Z, N + gamma * BTA)) + gamma * I
G0 = np.dot(B, solve(Z, B.T))
A0 = np.dot(I - gamma * G0, A) - np.dot(B, solve(Z, N))
H0 = gamma * np.dot(A.T, A0) - Q_tilde
f1 = np.linalg.cond(Z, np.inf)
f2 = gamma * f1
f3 = np.linalg.cond(I + np.dot(G0, H0))
f_gamma = max(f1, f2, f3)
if f_gamma < current_min:
best_gamma = gamma
current_min = f_gamma
# == If no candidate successful then fail == #
if current_min == np.inf:
msg = "Unable to initialize routine due to ill conditioned arguments"
raise ValueError(msg)
gamma = best_gamma
R_hat = R + gamma * BB
# == Initial conditions == #
Q_tilde = - Q + np.dot(N.T, solve(R_hat, N + gamma * BTA)) + gamma * I
G0 = np.dot(B, solve(R_hat, B.T))
A0 = np.dot(I - gamma * G0, A) - np.dot(B, solve(R_hat, N))
H0 = gamma * np.dot(A.T, A0) - Q_tilde
i = 1
# == Main loop == #
while error > tolerance:
if i > max_iter:
raise ValueError(fail_msg.format(i))
A1 = np.dot(A0, solve(I + np.dot(G0, H0), A0))
G1 = G0 + np.dot(np.dot(A0, G0), solve(I + np.dot(H0, G0), A0.T))
H1 = H0 + np.dot(A0.T, solve(I + np.dot(H0, G0), np.dot(H0, A0)))
error = np.max(np.abs(H1 - H0))
A0 = A1
G0 = G1
H0 = H1
i += 1
return H1 + gamma * I # Return X
[docs]def solve_discrete_riccati_system(Π, As, Bs, Cs, Qs, Rs, Ns, beta,
tolerance=1e-10, max_iter=1000):
Solves the stacked system of algebraic matrix Riccati equations
in the Markov Jump linear quadratic control problems, by iterating
Ps matrices until convergence.
Π : array_like(float, ndim=2)
The Markov chain transition matrix with dimension m x m.
As : array_like(float)
Consists of m state transition matrices A(s) with dimension
n x n for each Markov state s
Bs : array_like(float)
Consists of m state transition matrices B(s) with dimension
n x k for each Markov state s
Cs : array_like(float), optional(default=None)
Consists of m state transition matrices C(s) with dimension
n x j for each Markov state s. If the model is deterministic
then Cs should take default value of None
Qs : array_like(float)
Consists of m symmetric and non-negative definite payoff
matrices Q(s) with dimension k x k that corresponds with
the control variable u for each Markov state s
Rs : array_like(float)
Consists of m symmetric and non-negative definite payoff
matrices R(s) with dimension n x n that corresponds with
the state variable x for each Markov state s
Ns : array_like(float), optional(default=None)
Consists of m cross product term matrices N(s) with dimension
k x n for each Markov state,
beta : scalar(float), optional(default=1)
beta is the discount parameter
tolerance : scalar(float), optional(default=1e-10)
The tolerance level for convergence
max_iter : scalar(int), optional(default=500)
The maximum number of iterations allowed
Ps : array_like(float, ndim=2)
The fixed point of the stacked system of algebraic matrix
Riccati equations, consists of m n x n P(s) matrices
m = Qs.shape[0]
k, n = Qs.shape[1], Rs.shape[1]
# Create the Ps matrices, initialize as identity matrix
Ps = np.array([np.eye(n) for i in range(m)])
Ps1 = np.copy(Ps)
# == Set up for iteration on Riccati equations system == #
error = tolerance + 1
fail_msg = "Convergence failed after {} iterations."
# == Prepare array for iteration == #
sum1, sum2 = np.empty((n, n)), np.empty((n, n))
# == Main loop == #
iteration = 0
while error > tolerance:
if iteration > max_iter:
raise ValueError(fail_msg.format(max_iter))
error = 0
for i in range(m):
# Initialize arrays
sum1[:, :] = 0.
sum2[:, :] = 0.
for j in range(m):
sum1 += beta * Π[i, j] * As[i].T @ Ps[j] @ As[i]
sum2 += Π[i, j] * \
(beta * As[i].T @ Ps[j] @ Bs[i] + Ns[i].T) @ \
solve(Qs[i] + beta * Bs[i].T @ Ps[j] @ Bs[i],
beta * Bs[i].T @ Ps[j] @ As[i] + Ns[i])
Ps1[i][:, :] = Rs[i] + sum1 - sum2
error += np.max(np.abs(Ps1[i] - Ps[i]))
Ps[:, :, :] = Ps1[:, :, :]
iteration += 1
return Ps