Source code for quantecon._graph_tools

Tools for dealing with a directed graph.

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse import csgraph
from math import gcd
from numba import jit

from .util import check_random_state

# Decorator for *_components properties
[docs]def annotate_nodes(func): def new_func(self): list_of_components = func(self) if self.node_labels is not None: return [self.node_labels[c] for c in list_of_components] return list_of_components return new_func
[docs]class DiGraph: r""" Class for a directed graph. It stores useful information about the graph structure such as strong connectivity [1]_ and periodicity [2]_. Parameters ---------- adj_matrix : array_like(ndim=2) Adjacency matrix representing a directed graph. Must be of shape n x n. weighted : bool, optional(default=False) Whether to treat `adj_matrix` as a weighted adjacency matrix. node_labels : array_like(default=None) Array_like of length n containing the labels associated with the nodes, which must be homogeneous in type. If None, the labels default to integers 0 through n-1. Attributes ---------- csgraph : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Compressed sparse representation of the digraph. is_strongly_connected : bool Indicate whether the digraph is strongly connected. num_strongly_connected_components : int The number of the strongly connected components. strongly_connected_components_indices : list(ndarray(int)) List of numpy arrays containing the indices of the strongly connected components. strongly_connected_components : list(ndarray) List of numpy arrays containing the strongly connected components, where the nodes are annotated with their labels (if `node_labels` is not None). num_sink_strongly_connected_components : int The number of the sink strongly connected components. sink_strongly_connected_components_indices : list(ndarray(int)) List of numpy arrays containing the indices of the sink strongly connected components. sink_strongly_connected_components : list(ndarray) List of numpy arrays containing the sink strongly connected components, where the nodes are annotated with their labels (if `node_labels` is not None). is_aperiodic : bool Indicate whether the digraph is aperiodic. period : int The period of the digraph. Defined only for a strongly connected digraph. cyclic_components_indices : list(ndarray(int)) List of numpy arrays containing the indices of the cyclic components. cyclic_components : list(ndarray) List of numpy arrays containing the cyclic components, where the nodes are annotated with their labels (if `node_labels` is not None). References ---------- .. [1] `Strongly connected component <>`_, Wikipedia. .. [2] `Aperiodic graph <>`_, Wikipedia. """ def __init__(self, adj_matrix, weighted=False, node_labels=None): if weighted: dtype = None else: dtype = bool self.csgraph = sparse.csr_matrix(adj_matrix, dtype=dtype) m, n = self.csgraph.shape if n != m: raise ValueError('input matrix must be square') self.n = n # Number of nodes # Call the setter method self.node_labels = node_labels self._num_scc = None self._scc_proj = None self._sink_scc_labels = None self._period = None def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return "Directed Graph:\n - n(number of nodes): {n}".format(n=self.n) @property def node_labels(self): return self._node_labels @node_labels.setter def node_labels(self, values): if values is None: self._node_labels = None else: values = np.asarray(values) if (values.ndim < 1) or (values.shape[0] != self.n): raise ValueError( 'node_labels must be an array_like of length n' ) if np.issubdtype(values.dtype, np.object_): raise ValueError( 'data in node_labels must be homogeneous in type' ) self._node_labels = values def _find_scc(self): """ Set ``self._num_scc`` and ``self._scc_proj`` by calling ``scipy.sparse.csgraph.connected_components``: * * ``self._scc_proj`` is a list of length `n` that assigns to each node the label of the strongly connected component to which it belongs. """ # Find the strongly connected components self._num_scc, self._scc_proj = \ csgraph.connected_components(self.csgraph, connection='strong') @property def num_strongly_connected_components(self): if self._num_scc is None: self._find_scc() return self._num_scc @property def scc_proj(self): if self._scc_proj is None: self._find_scc() return self._scc_proj @property def is_strongly_connected(self): return (self.num_strongly_connected_components == 1) def _condensation_lil(self): """ Return the sparse matrix representation of the condensation digraph in lil format. """ condensation_lil = sparse.lil_matrix( (self.num_strongly_connected_components, self.num_strongly_connected_components), dtype=bool ) scc_proj = self.scc_proj for node_from, node_to in _csr_matrix_indices(self.csgraph): scc_from, scc_to = scc_proj[node_from], scc_proj[node_to] if scc_from != scc_to: condensation_lil[scc_from, scc_to] = True return condensation_lil def _find_sink_scc(self): """ Set self._sink_scc_labels, which is a list containing the labels of the strongly connected components. """ condensation_lil = self._condensation_lil() # A sink SCC is a SCC such that none of its members is strongly # connected to nodes in other SCCs # Those k's such that graph_condensed_lil.rows[k] == [] self._sink_scc_labels = \ np.where(np.logical_not(condensation_lil.rows))[0] @property def sink_scc_labels(self): if self._sink_scc_labels is None: self._find_sink_scc() return self._sink_scc_labels @property def num_sink_strongly_connected_components(self): return len(self.sink_scc_labels) @property def strongly_connected_components_indices(self): if self.is_strongly_connected: return [np.arange(self.n)] else: return [np.where(self.scc_proj == k)[0] for k in range(self.num_strongly_connected_components)] @property @annotate_nodes def strongly_connected_components(self): return self.strongly_connected_components_indices @property def sink_strongly_connected_components_indices(self): if self.is_strongly_connected: return [np.arange(self.n)] else: return [np.where(self.scc_proj == k)[0] for k in self.sink_scc_labels.tolist()] @property @annotate_nodes def sink_strongly_connected_components(self): return self.sink_strongly_connected_components_indices def _compute_period(self): """ Set ``self._period`` and ``self._cyclic_components_proj``. Use the algorithm described in: J. P. Jarvis and D. R. Shier, "Graph-Theoretic Analysis of Finite Markov Chains," 1996. """ # Degenerate graph with a single node (which is strongly connected) # csgraph.reconstruct_path would raise an exception # if self.n == 1: if self.csgraph[0, 0] == 0: # No edge: "trivial graph" self._period = 1 # Any universally accepted definition? self._cyclic_components_proj = np.zeros(self.n, dtype=int) return None else: # Self loop self._period = 1 self._cyclic_components_proj = np.zeros(self.n, dtype=int) return None if not self.is_strongly_connected: raise NotImplementedError( 'Not defined for a non strongly-connected digraph' ) if np.any(self.csgraph.diagonal() > 0): self._period = 1 self._cyclic_components_proj = np.zeros(self.n, dtype=int) return None # Construct a breadth-first search tree rooted at 0 node_order, predecessors = \ csgraph.breadth_first_order(self.csgraph, i_start=0) bfs_tree_csr = \ csgraph.reconstruct_path(self.csgraph, predecessors) # Edges not belonging to tree_csr non_bfs_tree_csr = self.csgraph - bfs_tree_csr non_bfs_tree_csr.eliminate_zeros() # Distance to 0 level = np.zeros(self.n, dtype=int) for i in range(1, self.n): level[node_order[i]] = level[predecessors[node_order[i]]] + 1 # Determine the period d = 0 for node_from, node_to in _csr_matrix_indices(non_bfs_tree_csr): value = level[node_from] - level[node_to] + 1 d = gcd(d, value) if d == 1: self._period = 1 self._cyclic_components_proj = np.zeros(self.n, dtype=int) return None self._period = d self._cyclic_components_proj = level % d @property def period(self): if self._period is None: self._compute_period() return self._period @property def is_aperiodic(self): return (self.period == 1) @property def cyclic_components_indices(self): if self.is_aperiodic: return [np.arange(self.n)] else: return [np.where(self._cyclic_components_proj == k)[0] for k in range(self.period)] @property @annotate_nodes def cyclic_components(self,): return self.cyclic_components_indices
[docs] def subgraph(self, nodes): """ Return the subgraph consisting of the given nodes and edges between thses nodes. Parameters ---------- nodes : array_like(int, ndim=1) Array of node indices. Returns ------- DiGraph A DiGraph representing the subgraph. """ adj_matrix = self.csgraph[np.ix_(nodes, nodes)] weighted = True # To copy the dtype if self.node_labels is not None: node_labels = self.node_labels[nodes] else: node_labels = None return DiGraph(adj_matrix, weighted=weighted, node_labels=node_labels)
def _csr_matrix_indices(S): """ Generate the indices of nonzero entries of a csr_matrix S """ m, n = S.shape for i in range(m): for j in range(S.indptr[i], S.indptr[i+1]): row_index, col_index = i, S.indices[j] yield row_index, col_index
[docs]def random_tournament_graph(n, random_state=None): """ Return a random tournament graph [1]_ with n nodes. Parameters ---------- n : scalar(int) Number of nodes. random_state : int or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState or Generator instance to set the initial state of the random number generator for reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState is used. Returns ------- DiGraph A DiGraph representing the tournament graph. References ---------- .. [1] `Tournament (graph theory) <>`_, Wikipedia. """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) num_edges = n * (n-1) // 2 r = random_state.random(num_edges) row = np.empty(num_edges, dtype=int) col = np.empty(num_edges, dtype=int) _populate_random_tournament_row_col(n, r, row, col) data = np.ones(num_edges, dtype=bool) adj_matrix = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(n, n)) return DiGraph(adj_matrix)
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def _populate_random_tournament_row_col(n, r, row, col): """ Populate ndarrays `row` and `col` with directed edge indices determined by random numbers in `r` for a tournament graph with n nodes, which has num_edges = n * (n-1) // 2 edges. Parameters ---------- n : scalar(int) Number of nodes. r : ndarray(float, ndim=1) ndarray of length num_edges containing random numbers in [0, 1). row, col : ndarray(int, ndim=1) ndarrays of length num_edges to be modified in place. """ k = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n): if r[k] < 0.5: row[k], col[k] = i, j else: row[k], col[k] = j, i k += 1