Source code for quantecon._filter


function for filtering

import numpy as np

[docs]def hamilton_filter(data, h, p=None): r""" This function applies "Hamilton filter" to the data Parameters ---------- data : array or dataframe h : integer Time horizon that we are likely to predict incorrectly. Original paper recommends 2 for annual data, 8 for quarterly data, 24 for monthly data. p : integer (optional) If supplied, it is p in the paper. Number of lags in regression. If not supplied, random walk process is assumed. Returns ------- cycle : array of cyclical component trend : trend component Notes ----- For seasonal data, it's desirable for p and h to be integer multiples of the number of obsevations in a year. E.g. for quarterly data, h = 8 and p = 4 are recommended. """ # transform data to array y = np.asarray(data, float) # sample size T = len(y) if p is not None: # if p is supplied # construct X matrix of lags X = np.ones((T-p-h+1, p+1)) for j in range(1, p+1): X[:, j] = y[p-j:T-h-j+1:1] # do OLS regression b = np.linalg.solve(X.transpose()@X, X.transpose()@y[p+h-1:T]) # trend component (`nan` for the first p+h-1 period) trend = np.append(np.zeros(p+h-1)+np.nan, X@b) # cyclical component cycle = y - trend else: # if p is not supplied (random walk) cycle = np.append(np.zeros(h)+np.nan, y[h:T] - y[0:T-h]) trend = y - cycle return cycle, trend