Source code for quantecon._estspec

Functions for working with periodograms of scalar data.

import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft

[docs]def smooth(x, window_len=7, window='hanning'): """ Smooth the data in x using convolution with a window of requested size and type. Parameters ---------- x : array_like(float) A flat NumPy array containing the data to smooth window_len : scalar(int), optional An odd integer giving the length of the window. Defaults to 7. window : string A string giving the window type. Possible values are 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett' or 'blackman' Returns ------- array_like(float) The smoothed values Notes ----- Application of the smoothing window at the top and bottom of x is done by reflecting x around these points to extend it sufficiently in each direction. """ if len(x) < window_len: raise ValueError("Input vector length must be >= window length.") if window_len < 3: raise ValueError("Window length must be at least 3.") if not window_len % 2: # window_len is even window_len += 1 print("Window length reset to {}".format(window_len)) windows = {'hanning': np.hanning, 'hamming': np.hamming, 'bartlett': np.bartlett, 'blackman': np.blackman, 'flat': np.ones # moving average } # === Reflect x around x[0] and x[-1] prior to convolution === # k = int(window_len / 2) xb = x[:k] # First k elements xt = x[-k:] # Last k elements s = np.concatenate((xb[::-1], x, xt[::-1])) # === Select window values === # if window in windows.keys(): w = windows[window](window_len) else: msg = "Unrecognized window type '{}'".format(window) print(msg + " Defaulting to hanning") w = windows['hanning'](window_len) return np.convolve(w / w.sum(), s, mode='valid')
[docs]def periodogram(x, window=None, window_len=7): r""" Computes the periodogram .. math:: I(w) = \frac{1}{n} \Big[ \sum_{t=0}^{n-1} x_t e^{itw} \Big] ^2 at the Fourier frequencies :math:`w_j := \frac{2 \pi j}{n}`, :math:`j = 0, \dots, n - 1`, using the fast Fourier transform. Only the frequencies :math:`w_j` in :math:`[0, \pi]` and corresponding values :math:`I(w_j)` are returned. If a window type is given then smoothing is performed. Parameters ---------- x : array_like(float) A flat NumPy array containing the data to smooth window_len : scalar(int), optional(default=7) An odd integer giving the length of the window. Defaults to 7. window : string A string giving the window type. Possible values are 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett' or 'blackman' Returns ------- w : array_like(float) Fourier frequencies at which periodogram is evaluated I_w : array_like(float) Values of periodogram at the Fourier frequencies """ n = len(x) I_w = np.abs(fft(x))**2 / n w = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(n) / n # Fourier frequencies w, I_w = w[:int(n/2)+1], I_w[:int(n/2)+1] # Take only values on [0, pi] if window: I_w = smooth(I_w, window_len=window_len, window=window) return w, I_w
[docs]def ar_periodogram(x, window='hanning', window_len=7): """ Compute periodogram from data x, using prewhitening, smoothing and recoloring. The data is fitted to an AR(1) model for prewhitening, and the residuals are used to compute a first-pass periodogram with smoothing. The fitted coefficients are then used for recoloring. Parameters ---------- x : array_like(float) A flat NumPy array containing the data to smooth window_len : scalar(int), optional An odd integer giving the length of the window. Defaults to 7. window : string A string giving the window type. Possible values are 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett' or 'blackman' Returns ------- w : array_like(float) Fourier frequencies at which periodogram is evaluated I_w : array_like(float) Values of periodogram at the Fourier frequencies """ # === run regression === # x_lag = x[:-1] # lagged x X = np.array([np.ones(len(x_lag)), x_lag]).T # add constant y = np.array(x[1:]) # current x beta_hat = np.linalg.solve(X.T @ X, X.T @ y) # solve for beta hat e_hat = y - X @ beta_hat # compute residuals phi = beta_hat[1] # pull out phi parameter # === compute periodogram on residuals === # w, I_w = periodogram(e_hat, window=window, window_len=window_len) # === recolor and return === # I_w = I_w / np.abs(1 - phi * np.exp(1j * w))**2 return w, I_w