Source code for quantecon.quad

Defining various quadrature routines.

Based on the quadrature routines found in the CompEcon toolbox by
Miranda and Fackler.

Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics
and Finance, MIT Press, 2002.

import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from numba import jit, vectorize
from ._ce_util import ckron, gridmake
from .util import check_random_state

__all__ = ['qnwcheb', 'qnwequi', 'qnwlege', 'qnwnorm', 'qnwlogn',
           'qnwsimp', 'qnwtrap', 'qnwunif', 'quadrect', 'qnwbeta',

def gammaln(x):
    return math.lgamma(x)

def fix(x):
    if x < 0:
        return math.ceil(x)
        return math.floor(x)

# ------------------ #
# Exported Functions #
# ------------------ #

[docs]def qnwcheb(n, a=1, b=1): """ Computes multivariate Guass-Checbychev quadrature nodes and weights. Parameters ---------- n : int or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of the number of nodes in each dimension a : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of lower endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions b : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of upper endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Quadrature nodes weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Weights for quadrature nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwcheb`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ return _make_multidim_func(_qnwcheb1, n, a, b)
[docs]def qnwequi(n, a, b, kind="N", equidist_pp=None, random_state=None): """ Generates equidistributed sequences with property that averages value of integrable function evaluated over the sequence converges to the integral as n goes to infinity. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of sequence points a : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of lower endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions b : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of upper endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions kind : string, optional(default="N") One of the following: - N - Neiderreiter (default) - W - Weyl - H - Haber - R - pseudo Random equidist_pp : array_like, optional(default=None) TODO: I don't know what this does random_state : int or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState or Generator instance to set the initial state of the random number generator for reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState is used. Relevant only when setting `kind='R'`. Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Quadrature nodes weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Weights for quadrature nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwequi`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) if equidist_pp is None: import sympy as sym equidist_pp = np.sqrt(np.array(list(sym.primerange(0, 7920)))) n, a, b = list(map(np.atleast_1d, list(map(np.asarray, [n, a, b])))) d = max(list(map(len, [n, a, b]))) n = if a.size == 1: a = np.repeat(a, d) if b.size == 1: b = np.repeat(b, d) # Specify `dtype=np.int64` to avoid overflow on Windows i = np.arange(1, n + 1, dtype=np.int64) if kind.upper() == "N": # Neiderreiter j = 2.0 ** (np.arange(1, d+1) / (d+1)) nodes = np.outer(i, j) nodes = (nodes - fix(nodes)).squeeze() elif kind.upper() == "W": # Weyl j = equidist_pp[:d] nodes = np.outer(i, j) nodes = (nodes - fix(nodes)).squeeze() elif kind.upper() == "H": # Haber j = equidist_pp[:d] nodes = np.outer(i * (i+1) / 2, j) nodes = (nodes - fix(nodes)).squeeze() elif kind.upper() == "R": # pseudo-random nodes = random_state.random((n, d)).squeeze() else: raise ValueError("Unknown sequence requested") # compute nodes and weights r = b - a nodes = a + nodes * r weights = ( / n) * np.ones(n) return nodes, weights
[docs]def qnwlege(n, a, b): """ Computes multivariate Guass-Legendre quadrature nodes and weights. Parameters ---------- n : int or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of the number of nodes in each dimension a : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of lower endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions b : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of upper endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Quadrature nodes weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Weights for quadrature nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwlege`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ return _make_multidim_func(_qnwlege1, n, a, b)
[docs]def qnwnorm(n, mu=None, sig2=None, usesqrtm=False): """ Computes nodes and weights for multivariate normal distribution Parameters ---------- n : int or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of the number of nodes in each dimension mu : scalar or array_like(float), optional(default=zeros(d)) The means of each dimension of the random variable. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions sig2 : array_like(float), optional(default=eye(d)) A d x d array representing the variance-covariance matrix of the multivariate normal distribution. Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Quadrature nodes weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Weights for quadrature nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwnorm`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ n = np.atleast_1d(n) d = n.size if mu is None: mu = np.zeros(d) else: mu = np.atleast_1d(mu) if sig2 is None: sig2 = np.eye(d) else: sig2 = np.atleast_1d(sig2).reshape(d, d) if all([x.size == 1 for x in [n, mu, sig2]]): nodes, weights = _qnwnorm1(n[0]) else: nodes = [] weights = [] for i in range(d): _1d = _qnwnorm1(n[i]) nodes.append(_1d[0]) weights.append(_1d[1]) nodes = gridmake(*nodes) weights = ckron(*weights[::-1]) if usesqrtm: new_sig2 = la.sqrtm(sig2) else: # cholesky new_sig2 = la.cholesky(sig2) if d > 1: nodes = + mu # Broadcast ok else: # will not be aligned in scalar case. nodes = nodes * new_sig2 + mu return nodes.squeeze(), weights
[docs]def qnwlogn(n, mu=None, sig2=None): """ Computes nodes and weights for multivariate lognormal distribution Parameters ---------- n : int or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of the number of nodes in each dimension mu : scalar or array_like(float), optional(default=zeros(d)) The means of each dimension of the random variable. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions sig2 : array_like(float), optional(default=eye(d)) A d x d array representing the variance-covariance matrix of the multivariate normal distribution. Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Quadrature nodes weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Weights for quadrature nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwlogn`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ nodes, weights = qnwnorm(n, mu, sig2) return np.exp(nodes), weights
[docs]def qnwsimp(n, a, b): """ Computes multivariate Simpson quadrature nodes and weights. Parameters ---------- n : int or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of the number of nodes in each dimension a : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of lower endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions b : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of upper endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Quadrature nodes weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Weights for quadrature nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwsimp`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ return _make_multidim_func(_qnwsimp1, n, a, b)
[docs]def qnwtrap(n, a, b): """ Computes multivariate trapezoid rule quadrature nodes and weights. Parameters ---------- n : int or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of the number of nodes in each dimension a : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of lower endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions b : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of upper endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Quadrature nodes weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Weights for quadrature nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwtrap`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ return _make_multidim_func(_qnwtrap1, n, a, b)
[docs]def qnwunif(n, a, b): """ Computes quadrature nodes and weights for multivariate uniform distribution Parameters ---------- n : int or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of the number of nodes in each dimension a : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of lower endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions b : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of upper endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Quadrature nodes weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Weights for quadrature nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwunif`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ n, a, b = list(map(np.asarray, [n, a, b])) nodes, weights = qnwlege(n, a, b) weights = weights / - a) return nodes, weights
[docs]def quadrect(f, n, a, b, kind='lege', random_state=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Integrate the d-dimensional function f on a rectangle with lower and upper bound for dimension i defined by a[i] and b[i], respectively; using n[i] points. Parameters ---------- f : function The function to integrate over. This should be a function that accepts as its first argument a matrix representing points along each dimension (each dimension is a column). Other arguments that need to be passed to the function are caught by `*args` and `**kwargs` n : int or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of the number of nodes in each dimension a : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of lower endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions b : scalar or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of upper endpoints. If a scalar is given, that constant is repeated d times, where d is the number of dimensions kind : string, optional(default='lege') Specifies which type of integration to perform. Valid values are: lege - Gauss-Legendre cheb - Gauss-Chebyshev trap - trapezoid rule simp - Simpson rule N - Neiderreiter equidistributed sequence W - Weyl equidistributed sequence H - Haber equidistributed sequence R - Monte Carlo random_state : int or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState or Generator instance to set the initial state of the random number generator for reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState is used. Relevant only when setting `kind='R'`. *args, **kwargs : Other arguments passed to the function f Returns ------- out : scalar (float) The value of the integral on the region [a, b] Notes ----- Based of original function ``quadrect`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ if kind.lower() == "lege": nodes, weights = qnwlege(n, a, b) elif kind.lower() == "cheb": nodes, weights = qnwcheb(n, a, b) elif kind.lower() == "trap": nodes, weights = qnwtrap(n, a, b) elif kind.lower() == "simp": nodes, weights = qnwsimp(n, a, b) else: nodes, weights = qnwequi(n, a, b, kind, random_state=random_state) out =, *args, **kwargs)) return out
[docs]def qnwbeta(n, a=1.0, b=1.0): """ Computes nodes and weights for beta distribution Parameters ---------- n : int or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of the number of nodes in each dimension a : scalar or array_like(float), optional(default=1.0) A length-d b : array_like(float), optional(default=1.0) A d x d array representing the variance-covariance matrix of the multivariate normal distribution. Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Quadrature nodes weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Weights for quadrature nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwbeta`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ return _make_multidim_func(_qnwbeta1, n, a, b)
[docs]def qnwgamma(n, a=1.0, b=1.0, tol=3e-14): """ Computes nodes and weights for gamma distribution Parameters ---------- n : int or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of the number of nodes in each dimension a : scalar or array_like(float) : optional(default=ones(d)) Shape parameter of the gamma distribution parameter. Must be positive b : scalar or array_like(float) : optional(default=ones(d)) Scale parameter of the gamma distribution parameter. Must be positive tol : scalar or array_like(float) : optional(default=ones(d) * 3e-14) Tolerance parameter for newton iterations for each node Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Quadrature nodes weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float) Weights for quadrature nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwgamma`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ return _make_multidim_func(_qnwgamma1, n, a, b, tol)
# ------------------ # # Internal Functions # # ------------------ # def _make_multidim_func(one_d_func, n, *args): """ A helper function to cut down on code repetition. Almost all of the code in qnwcheb, qnwlege, qnwsimp, qnwtrap is just dealing various forms of input arguments and then shelling out to the corresponding 1d version of the function. This routine does all the argument checking and passes things through the appropriate 1d function before using a tensor product to combine weights and nodes. Parameters ---------- one_d_func : function The 1d function to be called along each dimension n : int or array_like(float) A length-d iterable of the number of nodes in each dimension args : These are the arguments to various qnw____ functions. For the majority of the functions this is just a and b, but some differ. Returns ------- func : function The multi-dimensional version of the parameter ``one_d_func`` """ _args = list(args) n = np.atleast_1d(n) args = list(map(np.atleast_1d, _args)) if all([x.size == 1 for x in [n] + args]): return one_d_func(n[0], *_args) d = n.size for i in range(len(args)): if args[i].size == 1: args[i] = np.repeat(args[i], d) nodes = [] weights = [] for i in range(d): ai = [x[i] for x in args] _1d = one_d_func(n[i], *ai) nodes.append(_1d[0]) weights.append(_1d[1]) weights = ckron(*weights[::-1]) # reverse ordered tensor product nodes = gridmake(*nodes) return nodes, weights @jit(nopython=True) def _qnwcheb1(n, a, b): """ Compute univariate Guass-Checbychev quadrature nodes and weights Parameters ---------- n : int The number of nodes a : int The lower endpoint b : int The upper endpoint Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) An n element array of nodes nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) An n element array of weights Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwcheb1`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ nodes = (b+a)/2 - (b-a)/2 * np.cos(np.pi/n * np.linspace(0.5, n-0.5, n)) # Create temporary arrays to be used in computing weights t1 = np.arange(1, n+1) - 0.5 t2 = np.arange(0.0, n, 2) t3 = np.concatenate((np.array([1.0]), -2.0/(np.arange(1.0, n-1, 2)*np.arange(3.0, n+1, 2)))) # compute weights and return weights = ((b-a)/n)*np.cos(np.pi/n*np.outer(t1, t2)) @ t3 return nodes, weights @jit(nopython=True) def _qnwlege1(n, a, b): """ Compute univariate Guass-Legendre quadrature nodes and weights Parameters ---------- n : int The number of nodes a : int The lower endpoint b : int The upper endpoint Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) An n element array of nodes nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) An n element array of weights Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwlege1`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() maxit = 100 m = int(fix((n + 1) / 2.0)) xm = 0.5 * (b + a) xl = 0.5 * (b - a) nodes = np.zeros(n) weights = nodes.copy() i = np.arange(m) z = np.cos(np.pi * ((i + 1.0) - 0.25) / (n + 0.5)) for its in range(maxit): p1 = np.ones_like(z) p2 = np.zeros_like(z) for j in range(1, n+1): p3 = p2 p2 = p1 p1 = ((2 * j - 1) * z * p2 - (j - 1) * p3) / j # top = n * (z * p1 - p2) bottom = z ** 2 - 1.0 pp = top / bottom z1 = z.copy() z = z1 - p1/pp if np.all(np.abs(z - z1) < 1e-14): break if its == maxit - 1: raise ValueError("Maximum iterations in _qnwlege1") nodes[i] = xm - xl * z nodes[- i - 1] = xm + xl * z # weights[i] = 2 * xl / ((1 - z ** 2) * pp * pp) weights[- i - 1] = weights[i] return nodes, weights @jit(nopython=True) def _qnwnorm1(n): """ Compute nodes and weights for quadrature of univariate standard normal distribution Parameters ---------- n : int The number of nodes Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) An n element array of nodes nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) An n element array of weights Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwnorm1`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ maxit = 100 pim4 = 1 / np.pi**(0.25) m = int(fix((n + 1) / 2)) nodes = np.zeros(n) weights = np.zeros(n) for i in range(m): if i == 0: z = np.sqrt(2*n+1) - 1.85575 * ((2 * n + 1)**(-1 / 6.1)) elif i == 1: z = z - 1.14 * (n ** 0.426) / z elif i == 2: z = 1.86 * z + 0.86 * nodes[0] elif i == 3: z = 1.91 * z + 0.91 * nodes[1] else: z = 2 * z + nodes[i-2] its = 0 while its < maxit: its += 1 p1 = pim4 p2 = 0 for j in range(1, n+1): p3 = p2 p2 = p1 p1 = z * math.sqrt(2.0/j) * p2 - math.sqrt((j - 1.0) / j) * p3 pp = math.sqrt(2 * n) * p2 z1 = z z = z1 - p1/pp if abs(z - z1) < 1e-14: break if its == maxit: raise ValueError("Failed to converge in _qnwnorm1") nodes[n - 1 - i] = z nodes[i] = -z weights[i] = 2 / (pp*pp) weights[n - 1 - i] = weights[i] weights /= math.sqrt(math.pi) nodes = nodes * math.sqrt(2.0) return nodes, weights @jit(nopython=True) def _qnwsimp1(n, a, b): """ Compute univariate Simpson quadrature nodes and weights Parameters ---------- n : int The number of nodes a : int The lower endpoint b : int The upper endpoint Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) An n element array of nodes nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) An n element array of weights Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwsimp1`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ if n % 2 == 0: print("WARNING qnwsimp: n must be an odd integer. Increasing by 1") n += 1 nodes = np.linspace(a, b, n) dx = nodes[1] - nodes[0] weights = np.kron(np.ones((n+1) // 2), np.array([2.0, 4.0])) weights = weights[:n] weights[0] = weights[-1] = 1 weights = (dx / 3.0) * weights return nodes, weights @jit(nopython=True) def _qnwtrap1(n, a, b): """ Compute univariate trapezoid rule quadrature nodes and weights Parameters ---------- n : int The number of nodes a : int The lower endpoint b : int The upper endpoint Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) An n element array of nodes nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float) An n element array of weights Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwtrap1`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ if n < 1: raise ValueError("n must be at least one") nodes = np.linspace(a, b, n) dx = nodes[1] - nodes[0] weights = dx * np.ones(n) weights[0] *= 0.5 weights[-1] *= 0.5 return nodes, weights @jit(nopython=True) def _qnwbeta1(n, a=1.0, b=1.0): """ Computes nodes and weights for quadrature on the beta distribution. Default is a=b=1 which is just a uniform distribution NOTE: For now I am just following compecon; would be much better to find a different way since I don't know what they are doing. Parameters ---------- n : scalar : int The number of quadrature points a : scalar : float, optional(default=1) First Beta distribution parameter b : scalar : float, optional(default=1) Second Beta distribution parameter Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) The quadrature points weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) The quadrature weights that correspond to nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``_qnwbeta1`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ # We subtract one and write a + 1 where we actually want a, and a # where we want a - 1 a = a - 1 b = b - 1 maxiter = 25 # Allocate empty space nodes = np.zeros(n) weights = np.zeros(n) # Find "reasonable" starting values. Why these numbers? for i in range(n): if i == 0: an = a/n bn = b/n r1 = (1+a) * (2.78/(4+n*n) + .768*an/n) r2 = 1 + 1.48*an + .96*bn + .452*an*an + .83*an*bn z = 1 - r1/r2 elif i == 1: r1 = (4.1+a) / ((1+a)*(1+0.156*a)) r2 = 1 + 0.06 * (n-8) * (1+0.12*a)/n r3 = 1 + 0.012*b * (1+0.25*abs(a))/n z = z - (1-z) * r1 * r2 * r3 elif i == 2: r1 = (1.67+0.28*a)/(1+0.37*a) r2 = 1+0.22*(n-8)/n r3 = 1+8*b/((6.28+b)*n*n) z = z-(nodes[0]-z)*r1*r2*r3 elif i == n - 2: r1 = (1+0.235*b)/(0.766+0.119*b) r2 = 1/(1+0.639*(n-4)/(1+0.71*(n-4))) r3 = 1/(1+20*a/((7.5+a)*n*n)) z = z+(z-nodes[-4])*r1*r2*r3 elif i == n - 1: r1 = (1+0.37*b) / (1.67+0.28*b) r2 = 1 / (1+0.22*(n-8)/n) r3 = 1 / (1+8*a/((6.28+a)*n*n)) z = z+(z-nodes[-3])*r1*r2*r3 else: z = 3*nodes[i-1] - 3*nodes[i-2] + nodes[i-3] ab = a+b # Root finding its = 0 z1 = -100 while abs(z - z1) > 1e-10 and its < maxiter: temp = 2 + ab p1 = (a-b + temp*z)/2 p2 = 1 for j in range(2, n+1): p3 = p2 p2 = p1 temp = 2*j + ab aa = 2*j * (j+ab)*(temp-2) bb = (temp-1) * (a*a - b*b + temp*(temp-2) * z) c = 2 * (j - 1 + a) * (j - 1 + b) * temp p1 = (bb*p2 - c*p3)/aa pp = (n*(a-b-temp*z) * p1 + 2*(n+a)*(n+b)*p2)/(temp*(1 - z*z)) z1 = z z = z1 - p1/pp if abs(z - z1) < 1e-12: break its += 1 if its == maxiter: raise ValueError("Max Iteration reached. Failed to converge") nodes[i] = z weights[i] = temp/(pp*p2) nodes = (1-nodes)/2 weights = weights * math.exp(gammaln(a+n) + gammaln(b+n) - gammaln(n+1) - gammaln(n+ab+1)) weights = weights / (2*math.exp(gammaln(a+1) + gammaln(b+1) - gammaln(ab+2))) return nodes, weights @jit(nopython=True) def _qnwgamma1(n, a=1.0, b=1.0, tol=3e-14): """ 1d quadrature weights and nodes for Gamma distributed random variable Parameters ---------- n : scalar : int The number of quadrature points a : scalar : float, optional(default=1.0) Shape parameter of the gamma distribution parameter. Must be positive b : scalar : float, optional(default=1.0) Scale parameter of the gamma distribution parameter. Must be positive tol : scalar : float, optional(default=3e-14) Tolerance parameter for newton iterations for each node Returns ------- nodes : np.ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) The quadrature points weights : np.ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1) The quadrature weights that correspond to nodes Notes ----- Based of original function ``qnwgamma1`` in CompEcon toolbox by Miranda and Fackler References ---------- Miranda, Mario J, and Paul L Fackler. Applied Computational Economics and Finance, MIT Press, 2002. """ a -= 1 maxit = 25 factor = -math.exp(gammaln(a+n) - gammaln(n) - gammaln(a+1)) nodes = np.zeros(n) weights = np.zeros(n) # Create nodes for i in range(n): # Reasonable starting values if i == 0: z = (1+a) * (3+0.92*a) / (1 + 2.4*n + 1.8*a) elif i == 1: z = z + (15 + 6.25*a) / (1 + 0.9*a + 2.5*n) else: j = i-1 z = z + ((1 + 2.55*j) / (1.9*j) + 1.26*j*a / (1 + 3.5*j)) * \ (z - nodes[j-1]) / (1 + 0.3*a) # root finding iterations its = 0 z1 = -10000 while abs(z - z1) > tol and its < maxit: p1 = 1.0 p2 = 0.0 for j in range(1, n+1): # Recurrance relation for Laguerre polynomials p3 = p2 p2 = p1 p1 = ((2*j - 1 + a - z)*p2 - (j - 1 + a)*p3) / j pp = (n*p1 - (n+a)*p2) / z z1 = z z = z1 - p1/pp its += 1 if its == maxit: raise ValueError('Failure to converge') nodes[i] = z weights[i] = factor / (pp*n*p2) return nodes*b, weights