Source code for quantecon.game_theory.normal_form_game

Tools for normal form games.

Definitions and Basic Concepts

An :math:`N`-player *normal form game* :math:`g = (I, (A_i)_{i \in I},
(u_i)_{i \in I})` consists of

- the set of *players* :math:`I = \{0, \ldots, N-1\}`,
- the set of *actions* :math:`A_i = \{0, \ldots, n_i-1\}` for each
  player :math:`i \in I`, and
- the *payoff function* :math:`u_i \colon A_i \times A_{i+1} \times
  \cdots \times A_{i+N-1} \to \mathbb{R}` for each player :math:`i \in

where :math:`i+j` is understood modulo :math:`N`. Note that we adopt the
convention that the 0-th argument of the payoff function :math:`u_i` is
player :math:`i`'s own action and the :math:`j`-th argument is player
(:math:`i+j`)'s action (modulo :math:`N`). A mixed action for player
:math:`i` is a probability distribution on :math:`A_i` (while an element
of :math:`A_i` is referred to as a pure action). A pure action
:math:`a_i \in A_i` is identified with the mixed action that assigns
probability one to :math:`a_i`. Denote the set of mixed actions of
player :math:`i` by :math:`X_i`. We also denote :math:`A_{-i} = A_{i+1}
\times \cdots \times A_{i+N-1}` and :math:`X_{-i} = X_{i+1} \times
\cdots \times X_{i+N-1}`.

The (pure-action) *best response correspondence* :math:`b_i \colon
X_{-i} \to A_i` for each player :math:`i` is defined by

.. math::

    b_i(x_{-i}) = \{a_i \in A_i \mid
        u_i(a_i, x_{-i}) \geq u_i(a_i', x_{-i})
        \ \forall\,a_i' \in A_i\},

where :math:`u_i(a_i, x_{-i}) = \sum_{a_{-i} \in A_{-i}} u_i(a_i,
a_{-i}) \prod_{j=1}^{N-1} x_{i+j}(a_j)` is the expected payoff to action
:math:`a_i` against mixed actions :math:`x_{-i}`. A profile of mixed
actions :math:`x^* \in X_0 \times \cdots \times X_{N-1}` is a *Nash
equilibrium* if for all :math:`i \in I` and :math:`a_i \in A_i`,

.. math::

    x_i^*(a_i) > 0 \Rightarrow a_i \in b_i(x_{-i}^*),

or equivalently, :math:`x_i^* \cdot v_i(x_{-i}^*) \geq x_i \cdot
v_i(x_{-i}^*)` for all :math:`x_i \in X_i`, where :math:`v_i(x_{-i})` is
the vector of player :math:`i`'s payoffs when the opponent players play
mixed actions :math:`x_{-i}`.

Creating a NormalFormGame

There are three ways to construct a `NormalFormGame` instance.

The first is to pass an array of payoffs for all the players:

>>> matching_pennies_bimatrix = [[(1, -1), (-1, 1)], [(-1, 1), (1, -1)]]
>>> g = NormalFormGame(matching_pennies_bimatrix)
>>> print(g.players[0])
Player in a 2-player normal form game with payoff array:
[[ 1, -1],
 [-1,  1]]
>>> print(g.players[1])
Player in a 2-player normal form game with payoff array:
[[-1,  1],
 [ 1, -1]]

If a square matrix (2-dimensional array) is given, then it is considered
to be a symmetric two-player game:

>>> coordination_game_matrix = [[4, 0], [3, 2]]
>>> g = NormalFormGame(coordination_game_matrix)
>>> print(g)
2-player NormalFormGame with payoff profile array:
[[[4, 4],  [0, 3]],
 [[3, 0],  [2, 2]]]

The second is to specify the sizes of the action sets of the players,
which gives a `NormalFormGame` instance filled with payoff zeros, and
then set the payoff values to each entry:

>>> g = NormalFormGame((2, 2))
>>> print(g)
2-player NormalFormGame with payoff profile array:
[[[ 0.,  0.],  [ 0.,  0.]],
 [[ 0.,  0.],  [ 0.,  0.]]]
>>> g[0, 0] = 1, 1
>>> g[0, 1] = -2, 3
>>> g[1, 0] = 3, -2
>>> print(g)
2-player NormalFormGame with payoff profile array:
[[[ 1.,  1.],  [-2.,  3.]],
 [[ 3., -2.],  [ 0.,  0.]]]

The third is to pass an array of `Player` instances, as explained in the
next section.

Creating a Player

A `Player` instance is created by passing a payoff array:

>>> player0 = Player([[3, 1], [0, 2]])
>>> player0.payoff_array
array([[3, 1],
       [0, 2]])

Passing an array of `Player` instances is the third way to create a
`NormalFormGame` instance.

>>> player1 = Player([[2, 0], [1, 3]])
>>> player1.payoff_array
array([[2, 0],
       [1, 3]])
>>> g = NormalFormGame((player0, player1))
>>> print(g)
2-player NormalFormGame with payoff profile array:
[[[3, 2],  [1, 1]],
 [[0, 0],  [2, 3]]]

Beware that in `payoff_array[h, k]`, `h` refers to the player's own
action, while `k` refers to the opponent player's action.

import re
import numbers
import numpy as np
from numba import jit

from ..util import check_random_state, rng_integers

[docs]class Player: """ Class representing a player in an N-player normal form game. Parameters ---------- payoff_array : array_like(float) Array representing the player's payoff function, where `payoff_array[a_0, a_1, ..., a_{N-1}]` is the payoff to the player when the player plays action `a_0` while his N-1 opponents play actions `a_1`, ..., `a_{N-1}`, respectively. Attributes ---------- payoff_array : ndarray(float, ndim=N) See Parameters. num_actions : scalar(int) The number of actions available to the player. num_opponents : scalar(int) The number of opponent players. dtype : dtype Data type of the elements of `payoff_array`. tol : scalar(float), default=1e-8 Default tolerance value used in determining best responses. """ def __init__(self, payoff_array): self.payoff_array = np.asarray(payoff_array, order='C') if self.payoff_array.ndim == 0: raise ValueError('payoff_array must be an array_like') if == 0: raise ValueError('every player must have at least one action') self.num_opponents = self.payoff_array.ndim - 1 self.num_actions = self.payoff_array.shape[0] self.dtype = self.payoff_array.dtype self.tol = 1e-8 def __repr__(self): # From numpy.matrix.__repr__ # Print also dtype, except for int64, float64 s = repr(self.payoff_array).replace('array', 'Player') l = s.splitlines() for i in range(1, len(l)): if l[i]: l[i] = ' ' + l[i] return '\n'.join(l) def __str__(self): N = self.num_opponents + 1 s = 'Player in a {N}-player normal form game'.format(N=N) s += ' with payoff array:\n' s += np.array2string(self.payoff_array, separator=', ') return s
[docs] def delete_action(self, action, player_idx=0): """ Return a new `Player` instance with the action(s) specified by `action` deleted from the action set of the player specified by `player_idx`. Deletion is not performed in place. Parameters ---------- action : scalar(int) or array_like(int) Integer or array like of integers representing the action(s) to be deleted. player_idx : scalar(int), optional(default=0) Index of the player to delete action(s) for. Returns ------- Player Copy of `self` with the action(s) deleted as specified. Examples -------- >>> player = Player([[3, 0], [0, 3], [1, 1]]) >>> player Player([[3, 0], [0, 3], [1, 1]]) >>> player.delete_action(2) Player([[3, 0], [0, 3]]) >>> player.delete_action(0, player_idx=1) Player([[0], [3], [1]]) """ payoff_array_new = np.delete(self.payoff_array, action, player_idx) return Player(payoff_array_new)
[docs] def payoff_vector(self, opponents_actions): """ Return an array of payoff values, one for each own action, given a profile of the opponents' actions. Parameters ---------- opponents_actions : see `best_response`. Returns ------- payoff_vector : ndarray(float, ndim=1) An array representing the player's payoff vector given the profile of the opponents' actions. """ def reduce_last_player(payoff_array, action): """ Given `payoff_array` with ndim=M, return the payoff array with ndim=M-1 fixing the last player's action to be `action`. """ if isinstance(action, numbers.Integral): # pure action return payoff_array.take(action, axis=-1) else: # mixed action return if self.num_opponents == 1: payoff_vector = \ reduce_last_player(self.payoff_array, opponents_actions) elif self.num_opponents >= 2: payoff_vector = self.payoff_array for i in reversed(range(self.num_opponents)): payoff_vector = \ reduce_last_player(payoff_vector, opponents_actions[i]) else: # Trivial case with self.num_opponents == 0 payoff_vector = self.payoff_array return payoff_vector
[docs] def is_best_response(self, own_action, opponents_actions, tol=None): """ Return True if `own_action` is a best response to `opponents_actions`. Parameters ---------- own_action : scalar(int) or array_like(float, ndim=1) An integer representing a pure action, or an array of floats representing a mixed action. opponents_actions : see `best_response` tol : scalar(float), optional(default=None) Tolerance level used in determining best responses. If None, default to the value of the `tol` attribute. Returns ------- bool True if `own_action` is a best response to `opponents_actions`; False otherwise. """ if tol is None: tol = self.tol payoff_vector = self.payoff_vector(opponents_actions) payoff_max = payoff_vector.max() if isinstance(own_action, numbers.Integral): return payoff_vector[own_action] >= payoff_max - tol else: return, payoff_vector) >= payoff_max - tol
[docs] def best_response(self, opponents_actions, tie_breaking='smallest', payoff_perturbation=None, tol=None, random_state=None): """ Return the best response action(s) to `opponents_actions`. Parameters ---------- opponents_actions : scalar(int) or array_like A profile of N-1 opponents' actions, represented by either scalar(int), array_like(float), array_like(int), or array_like(array_like(float)). If N=2, then it must be a scalar of integer (in which case it is treated as the opponent's pure action) or a 1-dimensional array of floats (in which case it is treated as the opponent's mixed action). If N>2, then it must be an array of N-1 objects, where each object must be an integer (pure action) or an array of floats (mixed action). tie_breaking : str, optional(default='smallest') str in {'smallest', 'random', False}. Control how, or whether, to break a tie (see Returns for details). payoff_perturbation : array_like(float), optional(default=None) Array of length equal to the number of actions of the player containing the values ("noises") to be added to the payoffs in determining the best response. tol : scalar(float), optional(default=None) Tolerance level used in determining best responses. If None, default to the value of the `tol` attribute. random_state : int or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState or Generator instance to set the initial state of the random number generator for reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState is used. Relevant only when tie_breaking='random'. Returns ------- scalar(int) or ndarray(int, ndim=1) If tie_breaking=False, returns an array containing all the best response pure actions. If tie_breaking='smallest', returns the best response action with the smallest index; if tie_breaking='random', returns an action randomly chosen from the best response actions. """ if tol is None: tol = self.tol payoff_vector = self.payoff_vector(opponents_actions) if payoff_perturbation is not None: try: payoff_vector += payoff_perturbation except TypeError: # type mismatch payoff_vector = payoff_vector + payoff_perturbation best_responses = \ np.where(payoff_vector >= payoff_vector.max() - tol)[0] if tie_breaking == 'smallest': return best_responses[0] elif tie_breaking == 'random': return self.random_choice(best_responses, random_state=random_state) elif tie_breaking is False: return best_responses else: msg = "tie_breaking must be one of 'smallest', 'random', or False" raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def random_choice(self, actions=None, random_state=None): """ Return a pure action chosen randomly from `actions`. Parameters ---------- actions : array_like(int), optional(default=None) An array of integers representing pure actions. random_state : int or np.random.RandomState/Generator, optional Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState or Generator instance to set the initial state of the random number generator for reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState is used. Returns ------- scalar(int) If `actions` is given, returns an integer representing a pure action chosen randomly from `actions`; if not, an action is chosen randomly from the player's all actions. """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) if actions is not None: n = len(actions) else: n = self.num_actions if n == 1: idx = 0 else: idx = rng_integers(random_state, n) if actions is not None: return actions[idx] else: return idx
[docs] def is_dominated(self, action, tol=None, method=None): """ Determine whether `action` is strictly dominated by some mixed action. Parameters ---------- action : scalar(int) Integer representing a pure action. tol : scalar(float), optional(default=None) Tolerance level used in determining domination. If None, default to the value of the `tol` attribute. method : str, optional(default=None) If None, `minmax` from `quantecon.optimize` is used. Otherwise `scipy.optimize.linprog` is used with the method as specified by `method`. Returns ------- bool True if `action` is strictly dominated by some mixed action; False otherwise. """ if tol is None: tol = self.tol payoff_array = self.payoff_array if self.num_opponents == 0: return payoff_array.max() > payoff_array[action] + tol ind = np.ones(self.num_actions, dtype=bool) ind[action] = False D = payoff_array[ind] D -= payoff_array[action] if D.shape[0] == 0: # num_actions == 1 return False if self.num_opponents >= 2: D.shape = (D.shape[0],[1:])) if method is None: from ..optimize.minmax import minmax v, _, _ = minmax(D) return v > tol else: from scipy.optimize import linprog m, n = D.shape A_ub = np.empty((n, m+1)) A_ub[:, :m] = -D.T A_ub[:, -1] = 1 # Slack variable b_ub = np.zeros(n) A_eq = np.empty((1, m+1)) A_eq[:, :m] = 1 # Equality constraint A_eq[:, -1] = 0 b_eq = np.ones(1) c = np.zeros(m+1) c[-1] = -1 try: res = linprog(c, A_ub=A_ub, b_ub=b_ub, A_eq=A_eq, b_eq=b_eq, method=method) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Unknown method '{0}'".format(method)) if res.success: return res.x[-1] > tol elif res.status == 2: # infeasible return False else: # pragma: no cover msg = 'scipy.optimize.linprog returned {0}'.format(res.status) raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def dominated_actions(self, tol=None, method=None): """ Return a list of actions that are strictly dominated by some mixed actions. Parameters ---------- tol : scalar(float), optional(default=None) Tolerance level used in determining domination. If None, default to the value of the `tol` attribute. method : str, optional(default=None) If None, `minmax` from `quantecon.optimize` is used. If `method` is set to `'simplex'`, `'interior-point'`, or `'revised simplex'`, then `scipy.optimize.linprog` is used with the method as specified by `method`. Returns ------- list(int) List of integers representing pure actions, each of which is strictly dominated by some mixed action. """ out = [] for action in range(self.num_actions): if self.is_dominated(action, tol=tol, method=method): out.append(action) return out
[docs]class NormalFormGame: """ Class representing an N-player normal form game. Parameters ---------- data : array_like of Player, int (ndim=1), or float (ndim=2 or N+1) Data to initialize a NormalFormGame. `data` may be an array of Players, in which case the shapes of the Players' payoff arrays must be consistent. If `data` is an array of N integers, then these integers are treated as the numbers of actions of the N players and a NormalFormGame is created consisting of payoffs all 0 with `data[i]` actions for each player `i`. `data` may also be an (N+1)-dimensional array representing payoff profiles. If `data` is a square matrix (2-dimensional array), then the game will be a symmetric two-player game where the payoff matrix of each player is given by the input matrix. dtype : data-type, optional(default=None) Relevant only when `data` is an array of integers. Data type of the players' payoff arrays. If not supplied, default to numpy.float64. Attributes ---------- players : tuple(Player) Tuple of the Player instances of the game. N : scalar(int) The number of players. nums_actions : tuple(int) Tuple of the numbers of actions, one for each player. payoff_arrays : tuple(ndarray(float, ndim=N)) Tuple of the payoff arrays, one for each player. """ def __init__(self, data, dtype=None): # data represents an array_like of Players if hasattr(data, '__getitem__') and isinstance(data[0], Player): N = len(data) # Check that the shapes of the payoff arrays are consistent # and the dtypes coincide shape_0 = data[0].payoff_array.shape dtype_0 = data[0].payoff_array.dtype for i in range(1, N): shape = data[i].payoff_array.shape if not ( len(shape) == N and shape == shape_0[i:] + shape_0[:i] ): raise ValueError( 'shapes of payoff arrays must be consistent' ) dtype = data[i].payoff_array.dtype if dtype != dtype_0: raise ValueError( 'dtypes of payoff arrays must coincide' ) self.players = tuple(data) self.dtype = dtype_0 # data represents action sizes or a payoff array else: data = np.asarray(data) if data.ndim == 0: # data represents action size # Trivial game consisting of one player N = 1 self.players = (Player(np.zeros(data)),) self.dtype = data.dtype elif data.ndim == 1: # data represents action sizes N = data.size # N instances of Player created # with payoff_arrays filled with zeros # Payoff values set via __setitem__ self.players = tuple( Player(np.zeros(tuple(data[i:]) + tuple(data[:i]), dtype=dtype)) for i in range(N) ) self.dtype = self.players[0].payoff_array.dtype elif data.ndim == 2 and data.shape[1] >= 2: # data represents a payoff array for symmetric two-player game # Number of actions must be >= 2 if data.shape[0] != data.shape[1]: raise ValueError( 'symmetric two-player game must be represented ' + 'by a square matrix' ) N = 2 self.players = tuple(Player(data) for i in range(N)) self.dtype = data.dtype else: # data represents a payoff array # data must be of shape (n_0, ..., n_{N-1}, N), # where n_i is the number of actions available to player i, # and the last axis contains the payoff profile N = data.ndim - 1 if data.shape[-1] != N: raise ValueError( 'size of innermost array must be equal to ' + 'the number of players' ) payoff_arrays = tuple( np.empty(data.shape[i:-1]+data.shape[:i], dtype=data.dtype) for i in range(N) ) for i, payoff_array in enumerate(payoff_arrays): payoff_array[:] = \ data.take(i, axis=-1).transpose(list(range(i, N)) + list(range(i))) self.players = tuple( Player(payoff_array) for payoff_array in payoff_arrays ) self.dtype = data.dtype self.N = N # Number of players self.nums_actions = tuple( player.num_actions for player in self.players ) self.payoff_arrays = tuple( player.payoff_array for player in self.players ) @property def payoff_profile_array(self): N = self.N dtype = self.dtype payoff_profile_array = \ np.empty(self.players[0].payoff_array.shape + (N,), dtype=dtype) for i, player in enumerate(self.players): payoff_profile_array[..., i] = \ player.payoff_array.transpose(list(range(N-i, N)) + list(range(N-i))) return payoff_profile_array def __repr__(self): s = '<{nums_actions} {N}-player NormalFormGame of dtype {dtype}>' return s.format(nums_actions=_nums_actions2string(self.nums_actions), N=self.N, dtype=self.dtype) def __str__(self): s = '{N}-player NormalFormGame with payoff profile array:\n' s += _payoff_profile_array2string(self.payoff_profile_array) return s.format(N=self.N) def __getitem__(self, action_profile): if self.N == 1: # Trivial game with 1 player if not isinstance(action_profile, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError('index must be an integer') return self.players[0].payoff_array[action_profile] # Non-trivial game with 2 or more players try: if len(action_profile) != self.N: raise IndexError('index must be of length {0}'.format(self.N)) except TypeError: raise TypeError('index must be a tuple') payoff_profile = np.empty(self.N, dtype=self.dtype) for i, player in enumerate(self.players): payoff_profile[i] = \ player.payoff_array[ tuple(action_profile[i:]) + tuple(action_profile[:i]) ] return payoff_profile def __setitem__(self, action_profile, payoff_profile): if self.N == 1: # Trivial game with 1 player if not isinstance(action_profile, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError('index must be an integer') self.players[0].payoff_array[action_profile] = payoff_profile return None # Non-trivial game with 2 or more players try: if len(action_profile) != self.N: raise IndexError('index must be of length {0}'.format(self.N)) except TypeError: raise TypeError('index must be a tuple') try: if len(payoff_profile) != self.N: raise ValueError( 'value must be an array_like of length {0}'.format(self.N) ) except TypeError: raise TypeError('value must be a tuple') for i, player in enumerate(self.players): player.payoff_array[ tuple(action_profile[i:]) + tuple(action_profile[:i]) ] = payoff_profile[i]
[docs] def delete_action(self, player_idx, action): """ Return a new `NormalFormGame` instance with the action(s) specified by `action` deleted from the action set of the player specified by `player_idx`. Deletion is not performed in place. Parameters ---------- player_idx : scalar(int) Index of the player to delete action(s) for. action : scalar(int) or array_like(int) Integer or array like of integers representing the action(s) to be deleted. Returns ------- NormalFormGame Copy of `self` with the action(s) deleted as specified. Examples -------- >>> g = NormalFormGame( ... [[(3, 0), (0, 1)], [(0, 0), (3, 1)], [(1, 1), (1, 0)]] ... ) >>> print(g) 2-player NormalFormGame with payoff profile array: [[[3, 0], [0, 1]], [[0, 0], [3, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 0]]] Delete player `0`'s action `2` from `g`: >>> g1 = g.delete_action(0, 2) >>> print(g1) 2-player NormalFormGame with payoff profile array: [[[3, 0], [0, 1]], [[0, 0], [3, 1]]] Then delete player `1`'s action `0` from `g1`: >>> g2 = g1.delete_action(1, 0) >>> print(g2) 2-player NormalFormGame with payoff profile array: [[[0, 1]], [[3, 1]]] """ # Allow negative indexing if -self.N <= player_idx < 0: player_idx = player_idx + self.N players_new = tuple( player.delete_action(action, player_idx-i) for i, player in enumerate(self.players) ) return NormalFormGame(players_new)
[docs] def is_nash(self, action_profile, tol=None): """ Return True if `action_profile` is a Nash equilibrium. Parameters ---------- action_profile : array_like(int or array_like(float)) An array of N objects, where each object must be an integer (pure action) or an array of floats (mixed action). tol : scalar(float) Tolerance level used in determining best responses. If None, default to each player's `tol` attribute value. Returns ------- bool True if `action_profile` is a Nash equilibrium; False otherwise. """ if self.N == 2: for i, player in enumerate(self.players): own_action, opponent_action = \ action_profile[i], action_profile[1-i] if not player.is_best_response(own_action, opponent_action, tol): return False elif self.N >= 3: for i, player in enumerate(self.players): own_action = action_profile[i] opponents_actions = \ tuple(action_profile[i+1:]) + tuple(action_profile[:i]) if not player.is_best_response(own_action, opponents_actions, tol): return False else: # Trivial case with self.N == 1 if not self.players[0].is_best_response(action_profile[0], None, tol): return False return True
def _nums_actions2string(nums_actions): if len(nums_actions) == 1: s = '{0}-action'.format(nums_actions[0]) else: s = 'x'.join(map(str, nums_actions)) return s def _payoff_profile_array2string(payoff_profile_array, class_name=None): s = np.array2string(payoff_profile_array, separator=', ') # Remove one linebreak s = re.sub(r'(\n+)', lambda x:[0:-1], s) if class_name is not None: prefix = class_name + '(' next_line_prefix = ' ' * len(prefix) suffix = ')' l = s.splitlines() l[0] = prefix + l[0] for i in range(1, len(l)): if l[i]: l[i] = next_line_prefix + l[i] l[-1] += suffix s = '\n'.join(l) return s
[docs]def pure2mixed(num_actions, action): """ Convert a pure action to the corresponding mixed action. Parameters ---------- num_actions : scalar(int) The number of the pure actions (= the length of a mixed action). action : scalar(int) The pure action to convert to the corresponding mixed action. Returns ------- ndarray(float, ndim=1) The mixed action representation of the given pure action. """ mixed_action = np.zeros(num_actions) mixed_action[action] = 1 return mixed_action
# Numba jitted functions #
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def best_response_2p(payoff_matrix, opponent_mixed_action, tol=1e-8): """ Numba-optimized version of `Player.best_response` compilied in nopython mode, specialized for 2-player games (where there is only one opponent). Return the best response action (with the smallest index if more than one) to `opponent_mixed_action` under `payoff_matrix`. Parameters ---------- payoff_matrix : ndarray(float, ndim=2) Payoff matrix. opponent_mixed_action : ndarray(float, ndim=1) Opponent's mixed action. Its length must be equal to `payoff_matrix.shape[1]`. tol : scalar(float), optional(default=None) Tolerance level used in determining best responses. Returns ------- scalar(int) Best response action. """ n, m = payoff_matrix.shape payoff_max = -np.inf payoff_vector = np.zeros(n) for a in range(n): for b in range(m): payoff_vector[a] += payoff_matrix[a, b] * opponent_mixed_action[b] if payoff_vector[a] > payoff_max: payoff_max = payoff_vector[a] for a in range(n): if payoff_vector[a] >= payoff_max - tol: return a